2018 Best year for Aquarius

2018 is the best year for Aquarius or Kumbha Moon sign.
Dasha vs Transits
Vedic astrology uses dasas and transits to determine good and bad periods in a person’s life. In the dasa system we look at grahas at three levels – maha dasa, antar dasa, and pratyantar dasa. Among these, the graha running the maha dasa is the most important. The dasa analysis is done from the individual’s lagna or ascendant. In transits we mainly look at the transits of Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, and Jupiter. Transit analysis is done from the Moon sign.
To create a mathematical model, we can give the following weights to each of these grahas
- 30% – maha dasa graha
- 20% – antar dasa graha
- 10% – pratyantar dasa graha
- Saturn transit – 10%
- Jupiter transit – 10%
- Rahu/Ketu transit – 10%
- Transits of the other grahas or transit of the maha dasa graha – 10%
So, transits can account for 30 – 40% of the influence on a person.
Transits in 2017 to 2018
2017 is an eventful year for graha transits. Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu/Ketu are the slow moving grahas. All three have transits in 2017. From 26 October 2017 to 11 September 2018, these grahas are in the following rasis.
Graha | Transit To Rasi | Transit Start Date | Transit End Date | Positive Houses |
Rahu | Cancer/Kataka | 18 AUG 2017 | 07 MAR 2019 | 3,6,10,11 |
Jupiter | Libra/Tula | 12 SEP 2017 | 11 SEP 2018 | 2,5,7,9,11 |
Saturn | Scorpio/Vrischika | 26 OCT 2017 | 24 JAN 2020 | 3,6,11 |
Aquarius/Khumba, is the only moon rasi for which Rahu, Jupiter, and Saturn transit is good. Therefore, those born with their moon in Aquarius/Khumba can expect a very successful 2018.
It is very rare for all three transits to benefit one moon sign. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity for my friends with Khumba rasi. So, hope you take full advantage of 2018 being the best year for Aquarius or Kumbha Moon signs.
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