Archive for January, 2019

Navagraha Gayatri Mantras

The navagraha gayatri mantras are used to meditate on the nine grahas in vedic astrology. These mantra are easy to memorize because they are similar in structure. The navagraha gayatri mantras have three lines each. The first two lines focus on aspects of the graha (god). The last line indicates the graha. The first line […]

Can Rahu Ketu be beneficial?

Can Rahu Ketu be beneficial? Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics and in general cause more difficulties. Many people turn towards god when they undergo suffering. This is a good thing and can help individuals deal with problems. Ketu, as a natural moksha karaka, can help turn suffering into something positive, by inculcating an interest […]

Yogakarakas including Rahu/Ketu

Yogakarakas are grahas that give very auspicious results to the natal chart. These grahas are “karakas” for “yoga”. Grahas become yogakarakas because of their lordships or their placement. The accepted definitions by all books are By lordship – Any graha that owns a Kendra (1,4,7,10) house and a Trikona (1,5,9) house, simultaneously will be a […]