2024 Election – Joe Biden’s Chart

Joe Biden

The 2024 election takes place on November 5th, 2024. We can look at the strength of Joe Biden and Donald Trump‘s charts to see who has a greater chance of winning astrologically. Here is the analysis of the 2024 Election using Joe Biden’s Chart.

Joe Biden’s chart

Joe Biden's Chart

The main factors to look at are the dasha and bhukti lords, their placements in the D1, D9, and D10 charts and the transits of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu at that time.

Dasha and Bhukti lords

On November 5th, 2024, Saturn is both the dasha lord and the bhukti lord in Joe Biden’s chart. Therefore, Saturn has an heavy influence in Biden’s chances of winning.

In the D1 chart, Saturn has two primary strengths; retrograde and dig bala. Saturn is also in a friendly sign aspected by the lord of the sign (Venus). Considering the aspects to Saturn, its rasi lord, and its nakshatra lords, Saturn activates the 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 houses. These cover the houses for career success (6,10 – 1,9,11).

In the D9 chart, which represents the fruits of ones actions, Saturn is the yogakaraka in the 9th house with the ninth and tenth lords forming a raja yoga. Similarly, in the D10 chart of career, Saturn is again the yogakaraka in the 9th house with the 10th lord. The 9th and 10th lords also form a maha parivartana yoga.

Therefore, Saturn promises good results, especially in career.

2024 Election Transits

Transits are traditionally seen from the Moon’s placement; Aries in Biden’s chart. From Aries, on November 5th, 2024, Saturn is in the 11th house, Jupiter is in the 2nd house, Rahu is in the 12th house, and Ketu is in the 5th house. These are all exceptional placements for these grahas. The 11th house placement of Saturn is especially good. This again, promises good results for Biden.

Previous sub-periods of Saturn

Finally, we can look at the results from Saturn in some of its previous sub-periods. I will look at these in reverse chronological order.

Jupiter/Saturn – from Nov 5th, 2008 to May 20th, 2011. This was when Obama and Biden won their first term making Biden the Vice President of USA.

Mars/Saturn – from Feb 1984 to Mar 1985. Biden won his third term as Senator in this period.

Moon/Saturn – from Dec 1975 to July 1977. Biden married Jill in this period. Definitely a positive period of him.


Looking at the 2024 Election using Joe Biden’s Chart, Biden has a very high chance of winning. I reviewed Trump’s chart as well. Trump’s chart is not as strong.

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