Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles!

Today is Ganesh Chaturthi and it got me thinking about why we call Lord Ganesha the remover of obstacles. Lord Ganesha’s life is full of examples in which a difficult problem is solved by a seemingly impossible solution. Here are some examples from the life of Lord Ganesha.
Conception of Lord Ganesha
Conception – the story goes that Parvati, Shiva’s wife, wanted some privacy when she was taking a bath. So, she asked Nandi, the Bull, to stand guard. Nandi did a great job of preventing anyone from entering while the goddess was taking bath. However, when Shiva returned, Nandi was in a conundrum. He owed his loyalty, first, to Lord Shiva. How could he prevent his lord from entering his own house? Nandi, being a dutiful follower of Lord Shiva, allowed Shiva to enter while Parvati was still taking her bath. Parvati was irritated, but realized it wasn’t Nandi’s fault. It dawned on her that she did not have anyone who would only listen to her. All her attendants were loyal to Shiva. She created a boy (Ganesha) using her own energy. Ganesha was not born to a man and a woman!
Death of the Boy
Death of the boy – the story continues… Parvati, now has the boy standing guard while she takes a bath. Shiva returns, and the boy stops him from entering the house. Shiva is furious and wages a tough battle with the boy. The boy wins and Shiva is forced to retreat. Shiva then consults with Vishnu and together they attack the boy. While the boy is facing Shiva and fighting, Vishnu attacks from behind (not allowed in ethical warfare) and cuts the boy’s head using his discus. This story shows what it takes to stop someone who is determined in their goals.
Resurrection as Ganesha
Resurrection as Ganesha – Parvati is now furious, especially because unethical behavior was used to kill her son. She lets loose Kali and Durga and the two forms of Shakti cause devastation in the Universe. Shiva and Vishnu, now consult with Brahma and ask for a solution to the problem. Brahma asks the gods to find the head of the first dead creature they see. The gods find a dead baby elephant and bring the head of the elephant. Brahma fixes the head on the boy’s body and gives life to the boy. This is another example of an unnatural solution to an impossible problem.
Image of Ganesha
Image of Ganesha – In a world where people with deformities are laughed at, Ganesha, with a body of a boy and the head of an elephant, is loved and adored. Even, Ganesha’s vehicle, a mouse, shows that the improbable is possible – further illustrating why Ganesha is truly the remover of obstacles.
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