Rafael Nadal – Vedic Chart Strength Analysis

Here is Rafael Nadal’s vedic chart. Rafael Nadal was born on June 3rd 1986 at 18:20 in Manacor, Spain.

Yogas indicate the opportunities given in life. The strength of the lagna indicates the individual’s potential to use those opportunities. Yogas that are tied to the lagna or the lagna lord bring fame to the individual.
General Characteristics
General Libra traits – Rafa has a libra lagna. Libra is a mercantile sign indicating materialistic qualities. Librans like public professions and have an interest in politics. Friends and clubs are important and Librans are fashion conscious.
Lagna Vichara
Lagna/Yoga Vichara – The lord of the lagna (Venus) is in the 9th house (trikona) with Mercury, who is the lord of the 9th house sitting in his own house. This gives Rafa Parvata yoga, giving strength to his lagna lord, Venus. Mercury and Venus also form a strong dharma-karmadhipati yoga (lords of 1st and 9th houses). Further, Mars mutually aspecting Venus and Mercury adds two more dharma-karmadhipati yogas (lord of 1st and 7th houses and lord of 7th and 9th houses) and two dhana yogas (lord of 1st and 2nd houses and lord of 2nd and 9th houses). The three planets are also well placed – Mercury is in his own house and Venus and Mars are in the house of friends. Venus is also involved in Saraswati yoga with all the natural benefics (Ju, Me, and Ve) in trikona houses gifting Rafa with intelligence.
All of these make Rafa’s chart very powerful. He has a strong lagnesh (Ve) and the lagnesh is involved in tons of powerful yogas.
Other Yogas
Other Yogas – Rafa also has another dhana yoga because the lord of 11th house (Sun) mutually aspects the lord of the 5th house (Saturn), bringing Rafa a total of 3 dhana yogas, a very rare occurrence.
Best Periods
Best Periods – The planets associated with the most yogas are Venus, Mercury, and Mars. So, dashas of Venus (1990-2010), Mercury, and Mars (2026-2033) would be good. In particular dasha and antardasha periods of Venus/Mercury (2006-2008), Venus/Mars (1996), Mercury/Venus, Mercury/Mars, Mars/Venus (2031), and Mars/Mercury (2029/2030) would be very good. The “Vimshottari” chart shows the start and end dates for the main and sub dasha planets.
Rafa was lucky because he was able to run the dasha of his lagnesh (Venus) from 1990 to 2010 and the dasha of Sun from (2010 – 2016). He started his Moon dasha in 2016. Moon is not very strong because it is afflicted by Rahu and Ketu and does not have support from benefic planets. Also, Moon is close to becoming a new Moon, making it weaker. He will have another great run, in his second career, from 2026 to 2050 when he runs Mars and Rahu dashas. He will do well in business and may try his hand at politics.
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