Alexander Zverev – Vedic Chart Strength Analysis

Here is Alexander Zverev’s vedic chart. Alexander Zverev was born on Apr 20th 1997 at 03:00 in Hamburg, Germany. There is another time given for birth, 23:00, which would make his lagna Scorpio. I think he fits a Sagittarius lagna better than a Scorpio lagna.

Yogas indicate the opportunities given in life. The strength of the lagna indicates the individual’s potential to use those opportunities. Yogas that are tied to the lagna or the lagna lord bring fame to the individual.
General Characteristics
General Sagittarius traits – Alexander Zverev (Sasha) has a Sagittarius lagna. Sagittarians aim high and are very competitive. They actively win over their enemies. They are intellectual and can have dual careers. Sagittarians are spiritually inclined and can derive happiness from their spiritual pursuits. Sagittarians are generally lucky.
Lagna Vichara
Lagna/Yoga Vichara – Lord of the lagna is Jupiter and it is in a parivartana yoga with Saturn. Given that the houses (2nd and 4th) involved in the parivartana yoga are good, Jupiter would perform like it would if it were in Pisces. Jupiter would then be in its own house forming a panch-maha purusha yoga – Hamsa yoga. Jupiter is also involved in Saraswati yoga giving Sasha intelligence and Susubha yoga giving prosperity.
Other Yogas
Other Yogas – Sasha has a strong lagnesh (Jupiter), however, his 5th house involving Sun, Venus, and Mercury is even stronger. Sun and Mercury produce budha-aditya yoga blessing Sasha with intelligence. He has the most powerful dharma-karmadhpati yoga formed by Sun and Mercury, lords of the 9th and 10th houses. Sun and Mercury form another dharma-karmadhipati yoga as the lords of the 9th and 7th houses. Sasha has a dhana yoga formed by Venus and Sun, lords of the 11th and 9th houses. He also has a parivartana yoga between Mars and Sun.
Best Periods
Best Periods – Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are associated with powerful yogas. Sasha started life in his Sun dasha (1996-1999), which would have been very good. He would be 72 years old when he starts his Mercury dasha and would never run his Venus dasha. Jupiter’s dasha from 2034-2050 would be good and can bring him fame, but would be well past his playing years. That brings us to Rahu and Ketu. Rahu would play the role of Jupiter (lord of the house) and Sun (Nakshatra lord). This would bring the yogas associated with the lagna and the yogas associated with the 5th house together. Rahu dasha (2016 – 2034) could be the best period of Sasha. Subperiods of Rahu/Ju (2020-2021), Rahu/Me (2025-2026), Rahu/Ve (2028-2031), and Rahu/Su (2031-2031) could be very good.
Sasha started his Rahu dasha in 2016 and Rahu will cover the rest of his playing career. Sasha’s chart has a lot of similarities to Novak‘s chart. Sasha will capitalize on the vacuum created when Rafa and Novak retire.
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