Novak Djokovic – Vedic Chart Strength Analysis

Here is Novak Djokovic’s vedic chart. Novak Djokovic was born on May 22nd 1987 at 23:25 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Yogas indicate the opportunities given in life. The strength of the lagna indicates the individual’s potential to use those opportunities. Yogas that connect to the lagna or the lagna lord bring fame to the individual.
General Characteristics
General Sagittarius traits – Novak Djokovic has a Sagittarius lagna. Sagittarians aim high and are very competitive. They actively win over their enemies. They are intellectual and can have dual careers. Sagittarians are spiritual and can derive happiness from their spiritual pursuits. Sagittarians are generally lucky.
Lagna Vichara
Lagna/Yoga Vichara – Lord of the lagna is Jupiter and it is in its own house in Pisces forming a panch-maha purusha yoga – Hamsa yoga. Hamsa yoga repeats from the Moon sign as well making it even more powerful. Jupiter also forms a Kesari yoga with the Moon.
Other Yogas
Other Yogas – Novak has a strong lagnesh (Jupiter), however, his 6-12 axis involving Sun, Saturn, and Mercury is even stronger. Sun and Mercury produce budha-aditya yoga blessing Novak with intelligence. He also has the most powerful dharma-karmadhpati yoga formed by Sun and Mercury, lords of the 9th and 10th houses. Sun and Mercury form another dharma-karmadhipati yoga as the lords of the 9th and 7th houses. Sun and Saturn form a dhana yoga linking the lords of the 2nd and 9th houses.
Best Periods
Best Periods – Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are associated with powerful yogas. Out of these, his Mercury (1994-2011) and Sun (2038-2044) dashas would be strong, but do not involve his lagnesh (Jupiter). Rahu and Ketu play the role of the lord of the house they are in. So, Ketu plays the role of Mercury. Ketu is also associated with Jupiter, his lagnesh, making his Ketu period (2011-2018) his best time.
Novak started his Venus dasha in 2018. Venus, however, is not associated with any yoga. The period from 2038-2044 under Sun would again be good for Novak. There is a real opportunity for a newcomer in tennis with Novak and Rafa running dashas that are not their best.
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