Brad Pitt – Vedic Chart Strength Analysis

Brad Pitt

Here is Brad Pitt’s vedic chart. Brad Pitt was born on Dec 18th 1963 at 06:31 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. 

Yogas indicate the opportunities given in life. The strength of the lagna indicates the individual’s potential to use those opportunities. Yogas that are tied to the lagna or the lagna lord bring fame to the individual.

General Characteristics

General Scorpio traits – Brad Pitt has a Scorpio lagna. Scorpians are rigid and maverick, and so have a tough relationship with their gurus or mentors. They have piercing eyes and can easily read into other people’s deep secrets. Scorpians are ambitious and brave. They have a strong interest in sex and like to dominate their partners. Scorpians have interest in poisons,  drugs, and eighth house matters like the occult and death. 

Lagna Vichara

Lagna/Yoga Vichara – Lord of the lagna is Mars and it is in the second house with four other grahas, giving him an ascetic yoga – Pravaraja. This, also, greatly increases the probability of yogas involving the lagna lord. He has Parvata yoga because the dispositor of the lord of the lagna, Jupiter, is in his own sign in a trikona house. Brad Pitt has the lord of the 9th (Moon) and lord of the 10th (Sun) combined in the second house with the lord of the lagna. This gives him three power dharma karmadhipati yogas (9 and 10, 1 and 9, 1 and 10). He also has two dhana yogas (1 and 11, 9 and 11). Moon and Mars are conjunct forming chandra mangala yoga, another wealth related yoga. Finally, strong Jupiter aspects his first house. 

Other Yogas

Other Yogas – In addition, Brad Pitt has Budha Aditya and Kesari yogas, giving him intelligence and prosperity. 

Best Periods

Best Periods – Brad Pitt has a very powerful Mars, so his Mars dasha (1978 – 1985) must have been very good. This is one of the disadvantages of a scorpio lagna. The lagnesh gets only 7 years in the vimshottari dasha sequence. His high-school and undergraduate years must have been good. Many astrologers believe that if you run a good dasha, especially that of the lagnesh or the 10th lord, early in your life, you will continue to get the benefits throughout your life. He ran Rahu during the initial years of his acting career. Sub-period of Rahu/Mars, Rahu/Sun, Rahu/Moon, Rahu/Mercury must have all been good. His Jupiter period (2003-2019) is better and he did act in more commercially successful movies. In September 2019, Brad Pitt enters 19 years of Saturn dasha. Saturn does not have any connection with the lagna or the lagnesh, so it should be less stellar from the standpoint of fame. Saturn is also conjuct with Venus the maraka (death inflicting) lord and the lord of the 12th house (house of losses). 

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