Water signs – Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Water signs are adaptable in nature. There are three water signs in vedic astrology. They are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The difference is in the movable, fixed, and dual aspects of these signs. Cancer is movable and hence the most adaptable. Scorpio is fixed and hence the least adaptable. Pisces is dual and hence in-between. The zodiac of the ascendant and the Moon sign indicate the backdrop for the person’s life. A person with lagna and Moon as water signs will be water-like. Individual planets are players in the backdrop. The natural characteristics of the planet may gel with the backdrop or be in opposition to the backdrop.
The main attributes of each zodiac can be remembered by considering just the following three dimensions.
- The symbol of the sign
- The sign’s element – fire, earth, air, or water
- The qualities of sign – movable, fixed, or dual
Cancer’s symbol is the crab. The crab has a hard exterior and a soft interior. Cancerians, likewise, are unemotional outside but very emotional inside. Moon is the lord of cancer and Cancer is a movable sign. These further emphasize the emotional nature of Cancerians. Mars is the lord of the 5th and 10th house. Mars is a yogakaraka for Cancer. This also makes Cancerians have a dynamic interest in their career and a very formidable intellect. Cancer is the 4th house of the kala purusha. Hence, home is very important for Cancerians.
Scorpio’s symbol is the scorpion. Scorpions are known for their poisonous rear. Scorpio is also a fixed sign. Therefore, Scorpians are rigid and mavericks. Scorpions are also connected with professions that deal with poisons, chemistry, drugs, medicine… Scorpio is the 8th house in the kala purusha. Hence Scorpians interested in death and the occult. The lord Mars, is exalted in the 3rd house. Hence, Scorpians are ambitious and brave.
Pisces’ symbol is two fishes swimming in opposite directions. Hence Pisceans have contradictory ambitions and ideals. They can also be dreamers and be taken advantage of. Jupiter is the lord of the sign. Therefore, Pisceans love to teach and learn. The dual nature of the sign also increases the probability for multiple marriages.
Cancer | Scorpio | Pisces |
Crab, Water, Movable | Scorpian, Water, Fixed | Two fishes, Water, Dual |
Hard exterior over a soft interior. Highly emotional, confused. | Rigid, maverick, Can penentrate secrets. | Contradictory ambitions and ideals. Can be taken advantage of. |
Dynamic interest in career. Formidable intellect. | Professions connected with poisons, chemistry, drugs, medicine, surgery. Interest in death and occult. Ambitious and brave. | Loves to teach. Interest in wisdom and poetry. |
Likes home life. Friendship is important. Dissapointment with children. | Interest in sex. Dominates partner. | Potential for two marriages. Good for children. |
Chronic disease. Unnatural death. | Tough relationship with gurus. | Involvement with hospitals. |
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