Sade Sati – Shani (Saturn) transit

The most feared transit in vedic astrology is that of Shani (Saturn). Shani gives bad results when it transits houses 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 houses from the Moon. Shani gives good results when it transits houses 3, 6, and 11 from the Moon. Shani’s transit is neutral in the other four (5, 7, 9, 10) houses. Shani’s transit in each house lasts for two and a half years (2.5 years). Sade Sati is the transit of Saturn through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses.
With this information it is clear to see why Sade Sati, or the transit of Shani through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd houses, is dreaded. This is continuous 7.5 years under a bad transitory influence of Shani. It is actually worse when you consider the period Shani transits from the 12th house from your Moon through the 5th house from your Moon. This is a transit of 6 houses, which takes 15 years. Out of these 15 years, four houses are bad (12, 1, 2, and 4) and only one is good (3rd house). The result is 10 bad years out of 15 years (67%). So, the start of Sade-Sati can be viewed as the start of a 15 year period where 10 years are bad.
Combining Dashas and Transits
The good news is that vedic astrology looks at a number of different factors to determine if a period is good or bad. The main factors are
- Dasha sequence (Maha dasha graha, Antar dasha graha, and Pratyantar dasha graha)
- Transits of all the grahas and not just Shani. Especially the transits of Shani (Saturn), Guru (Jupiter), and Rahu/Ketu.
- Position and strength of the grahas in the natal chart. This is the crux of astrology. Vedic astrology considers yoga vichara and bhava vichara, among other things, to evaluate the strength of each graha.
When you incorporate all these factors you get an individualized picture of your destiny. Afterall, transits are the same for all individuals born in a particular Moon sign. Essentially every 12th person has the same transits.
I use the following model to determine the complete effect of all the grahas involved.
- 30% – maha dasa graha
- 20% – antar dasa graha
- 10% – pratyantar dasa graha
- Saturn transit – 10%
- Jupiter transit – 10%
- Rahu/Ketu transit – 10%
- 10% – transits of the other grahas or transit of the maha dasa graha
Shani’s influence can be as little as 10% or as high as 80% (when you are running Shani-Shani-Shani in your dasha sequence).
Ashtakvarga Method
The Ashtakvarga chart for Shani is a better way to determine the effect of Shani’s transit. This is personalized because it is based on the natal chart. The higher the value the better the effects are – 3 is average. In the example below, transit of Shani in Scorpio (0) would be the worst. Transit of Shani in Virgo and Libra would be good.

Remedies for Sade Sati
Shani punishes us if we are not righteous and law abiding. The practical solution, when one runs a bad Shani transit or dasha, is to be law abiding and righteous. You should also chant the Shani mantra (given below) everyday (12 times). It is good to chant this mantra throughout your life, even if you are not under Shani’s influence.
Nilanjana Samabhasam Ravi Putram Yamagrajam
Chaya Martanda Sambhutam Tam Namami Shanescharam
In conclusion, always remember the wise words of Kabir in one of his most famous dohas.
Dukh Mein Simran Sab Kare, Sukh Mein Kare Na Koye
Jo Sukh Mein Simran Kare, Tau Dukh Kahe Ko Hoye
In anguish everyone prays to Him, in joy does none
To One who prays in happiness, how can sorrow come
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