Dhana (wealth) Yogas

There are many dhana yogas in vedic astrology. The common ones are the “basic dhana yoga”, “chandra mangala yoga”, “maha akshmi yoga”, “gauri yoga”.

Basic Dhana Yoga

Basic Dhana Yoga: The basic form of dhana yoga involves interactions between the lord of the wealth houses (2 and 11) and the trinal houses (1, 5, and 9). The interactions can be in the following forms

  • Conjunction – grahas involved are in the same sign
  • Mutual aspect – grahas mutually aspect each other, typically grahas are seven away from each other. Saturn and Mars are the only grahas that can create a mutual aspect using their special aspects.

The preferred combination is having one graha from the 2/11 camp and the other graha from the 1/5/9 camp. However, you can also have interactions between grahas in each camp (2/11, 1/5, 1/9, 5/9). Bill Gates’ horoscope (below) is a good example for most of the dhana yogas. Here are the lordships of the relevant houses and the dhana yogas in the chart.

  • Lordships
    • 2nd – Moon, 11th – Mars
    • 1st – Mercury, 5th – Venus, 9th – Saturn
  • Dhana Yogas
    • 1 and 2 – mutual aspect of Mercury and Moon (preferred)
    • 1 and 11 – Mercury and Mars conjunct (preferred)
    • 5 and 9 – Venus and Saturn conjunct
    • 2 and 11 – Moon and Mars mutual aspect
Bill Gates’ Chart

These dhana yogas are common and a few can occur in many charts. To evaluate the strength of yogas please refer to my previous post on how to analyze yogas.

Chandra Mangala Yoga

Chandra Mangala Yoga – Combination of Moon and Mars. Classical literature indicates that both grahas have to be conjunct. However, you can also use mutual aspect to satisfy the requirements for the yoga. Bill Gates’ chart has Chandra Mangala yoga as well.

Gauri Yoga

Gauri Yoga – This yoga is formed when the following three conditions are met.

  1. Moon is in its own sign (Cancer) or sign of exaltation (Taurus).
  2. Moon is in a kendra (1,4,7,10) or trikona (1,5,9) house.
  3. Jupiter aspects Moon.

Queen Victoria’s chart has this yoga – Moon in Taurus, in the 1st house, and aspected by Jupiter.

Queen Victoria”s Chart

Maha Lakshmi Yoga

Maha Lakshmi Yoga – This is a rare yoga indicating great wealth. The yoga involves Venus and the 9th lord. All four conditions below have to be met. There are other variations of this yoga in different texts as well. This form is taken from Phala Deepika.

  1. Venus is in its own sign or sign of exaltation
  2. Venus is in a kendra (1,4,7,10) or trikona (1,5,9) house
  3. Lord of the 9th house is in its own sign or sign of exaltation
  4. Lord of the 9th house is in a kendra or trikona house

Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has this yoga as well. Venus is in its own sign in Libra, in the fifth house. Lord of the ninth house is Saturn. Saturn is exalted in Libra in the fifth house.


  1. ajay mansukhani
      November 17, 2020

    for say a meena lagna how can condition 1 and 2 together be satisfied.. so do u mean that meena lagna people cannot have lachmi yoga ????

    • Anonymous
        November 17, 2020

      For meena lagna, Venus in Meena (exalted + 1st house – kendra and trikona house) and Mars in Scorpio (own house + 9th house – trikona) satisfy the conditions.

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