Yogakarakas including Rahu/Ketu

Yogakarakas are grahas that give very auspicious results to the natal chart. These grahas are “karakas” for “yoga”. Grahas become yogakarakas because of their lordships or their placement. The accepted definitions by all books are
- By lordship – Any graha that owns a Kendra (1,4,7,10) house and a Trikona (1,5,9) house, simultaneously will be a yogakaraka.
- By position – Two planets that are in Kendra from the lagna, and are in their own sign or sign of exaltation, work together to become yogakarakas for the natal chart. The grahas are co-workers.
- By position (mostly accepted) – If the two planets are in mutual Kendras and in their own sign or sign of exaltation, but not in Kendras from the lagna, then too, they can work together to become yogakarakas for the natal chart. The grahas are co-workers.
- Rahu and Ketu can become yogakarakas if
- they are in Kendra and are conjunct or aspected by a Trikona lord.
- they are in Trikona and are conjunct or aspected by a Kendra lord.
Examples by lordship
- By Lordship – for example, Saturn is the yogakaraka for Taurus and Libra ascendants. Another example, Mars is the yogakaraka for Cancer and Leo ascendants. Finally, Venus is the yogakaraka for Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants.

Examples by position
2. By position – grahas that are in Kendras from the ascendant (lagna) would automatically be in mutual Kendras from each other. There can be many examples for this.

3. By position (mostly accepted) – this is similar to the above case with the exception that the grahas are not in Kendras from the ascendant (lagna).

Rahu and Ketu
4. Rahu and Ketu – The strength of the yoga is enhanced if the graha aspecting Rahu/Ketu is exalted or in its own sign. Please refer to the blog on how to analyse the strength of yogas for more details.

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