Can Rahu Ketu be beneficial?
Can Rahu Ketu be beneficial? Rahu and Ketu are natural malefics and in general cause more difficulties. Many people turn towards god when they undergo suffering. This is a good thing and can help individuals deal with problems. Ketu, as a natural moksha karaka, can help turn suffering into something positive, by inculcating an interest in spirituality. Ketu’s maha dasa is also only 7 years. For these reasons Ketu is not as feared as Rahu. Rahu’s maha dasa, on the other hand, runs for 18 years. Rahu is also the brain of the Rahu/Ketu combination. Rahu can bring sudden rise and sudden fall when it influences the individual via dasa-bukthi or transits.

So, is a Rahu maha dasa always bad? For material pursuits, Rahu can be very beneficial for some individuals. Donald Trump became the President of the United States of America during his Rahu maha dasa. When Rahu is well placed in a chart, it can act as a super-yogakaraka. Rahu will help you achieve your dreams even if it means using unethical means. Other grahas follow the laws of dharma and will only give benefits within the confines of dharma. Rahu is the only graha that can break rules to deliver success.
Rahu can be beneficial in the following scenarios. The more the scenarios the stronger the beneficial results of Rahu. The scenarios for Rahu also apply to Ketu.
Beneficial scenarios for Rahu and Ketu
- House position – Rahu does well in 3, 6, and 11th houses.
- House types – Rahu and Ketu work positively when they are in Kendras because of the general principle – malefics do well in Kendras.
- Rasi position – There isn’t an unanimous consensus on this, however, Rahu does well in the houses owned by Saturn, Venus, and Mercury. Ketu does well in the houses owned by Jupiter and Mars.
- Enemies – Sun and Moon are arch enemies. Rahu and Ketu don’t give beneficial results in Cancer and Leo. Rahu and Ketu, also, don’t give beneficial results if they are conjunct or aspected by Sun or Moon.
- Aspects – The conjunction or aspect of a natural benefic, especially Jupiter, reduces the malefic nature of Rahu and Ketu.
- House lord – Rahu and Ketu act like the lord of the houses they reside in. If the lord’s impact is beneficial then Rahu/Ketu’s impact will also be beneficial. Example, if Rahu is in Sagittarius, and Jupiter (the lord) is in Pisces, then the Rahu will act like Jupiter. This will be beneficial, if Jupiter is beneficial for the chart, like for a Pisces ascendant.
- Conjunct grahas – Rahu and Ketu also act like the grahas that are conjunct with them. If the conjunct grahas are beneficial, Rahu/Ketu will be beneficial.
- Trikona Lords – Rahu and Ketu act beneficially if they are conjunct with or aspected by the Trikona (1, 5, 9) lords.
- Yoga Karaka – Rahu and Ketu can become yoga karakas if they are in Kendras and are aspected by Trikona lords or if they are in Trikonas and are aspected by Kendra lords.
I want to show my Kundli for future
Mayank Chokshi
Nice article.