Power and Fame Yogas

Classical astrology texts spend a lot of verses providing different combinations that confer rulership. In the olden days, every King had an astrologer in his court and consulted the astrologer for important events. Lineage was of primary importance, and so lot of time was spent providing combinations that predicted the next King. Power and fame yogas were highly sought after. Many of these combinations are very complex and specific.
In today’s world raja yogas confer power and fame to the individual. The main ones are:
Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga
Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas – These yogas focus on the five planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each planet forms a specific raja yoga if it meets both of the following conditions:
- The planet is in sign of exaltation or in its own sign
- The planet is in a Kendra position from the Ascendant/Moon.
The individual yogas are Bhadra (Mercury), Malavya (Venus), Ruchaka (Mars), Hamsa (Jupiter), and Sasa (Saturn). If the yogas repeat from the lagna (ascendant) and the Moon, the yogas becomes more powerful.
A person with one of these yogas will be fortunate, with two of these yogas will be like a king, with three of these yogas will be a King, with four of these yogas will be an Emperor, and with five of these yogas will be an emperor of emperors.
Emperor Akbar’s chart (shown below) has three of the five pancha mahapurusha yogas. Venus is in its own sign and in the ascendant (1st house) giving Malavya yoga. Saturn is in its sign of exaltation and in the ascendant (1st house) giving Sasa yoga. Finally, Mars is in its sign of exaltation and in the 4th house giving Ruchaka yoga.

Dharma Karmadhipati Yoga
Dharma karmadhipati Yogas – These are formed when there is a sambandha between the dharma lords (Trikona lords 1,5,9) and the karma lords (Kendra lords 1,4,7,10). The sambandha can be of three types – 1. The lords are conjunct in any rasi. 2. The lords mutually aspect each other. 3. The lords form a parivartana yoga or mutually exchange houses. Not all combinations are equally powerful. Here is the order in the descending order of strength.
- sambandha between lords of 9th and 10th houses
- sambandha between lords of 4th and 5th houses
- Lords of 5th and 10th or 4th and 9th
- Lords of 1st and 9th or 1st and 10th houses
- sambandha between lords of 1st and 4th or 1st and 5th houses
- sambandha between lords of 7th and 1st, 5th, or 9th houses

Queen Elizabeth I’s chart has the lord of the 9th (Sun) and the lord of the 10th (Mercury) conjunct in the 10th house of profession. This is the highest form of the dharma-karmadhipati yoga. Queen Elizabeth’s chart also has two pancha mahapurusha yogas – Hamsa (Jupiter in 1st) and Bhadra (Mercury in 10th).
Emperor Akbar’s chart also has the lord of the 9th (Mercury) and the lord of the 10th (Moon) mutually aspecting each other in the 3-9 (courage and fortune) axis. He has 1,4 (Venus and Saturn) and 1,5 (Venus and Saturn) dharma karmadhipati combinations as well.
Gaja Kesari Yoga
Gaja Kesari Yoga – this is formed when Jupiter is in Kendra (1,4,7,10) from the Moon and is aspected by a natural benefic.

Mahatma Gandhi’s chart has Jupiter in the 10th house from the Moon and Jupiter is aspected by two natural benefic’s Venus and Mercury. His chart also has Malavya yoga (formed by Venus in the 1st house) and three dharma karmadhipati yogas 1,9 (Venus and Mercury), 1,7 (Venus and Mars) and 7,9 (Mars and Mercury).
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