Intelligence Yogas

There are two main intelligence yogas in vedic astrology. The first is Budha-Aditya yoga and the second is Saraswati yoga.
Budha-Aditya yoga – this is the most common intelligence yoga in
Saraswati Yoga – this yoga forms when the natural benefics Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in Kendra (1,4,7,10) or Trikona (1,5,9), or the 2nd house from the ascendant (lagna) and Jupiter is strong by being in his own sign, friend’s sign, or in his sign of exaltation.
These intelligence yogas are not rare yogas. You should evaluate the strength of the yogas in your chart by following the principles identified in the blog on how to analyze yogas.
Nikola Tesla – has both yogas.
- Budha-Aditya yoga in the 4th house (a Kendra house), with a strong Mercury being in its own sign.
- Saraswati yoga with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in Kendra houses and Jupiter being strong in his own house.

Charles Darwin – has both yogas as well
- Budha-Aditya yoga in the 4th house (Kendra house)
- Saraswati yoga with Jupiter and Venus in a Trikona house and Mercury in a Kendra house. Also, Jupiter is strong by being in his own house. In his case, Venus is also strong by being exalted in Pisces.

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