Vargottama Grahas

Vargottama grahas are grahas that are in the same rasi (sign) in the Rasi (D-1) and Navamsa (D-9) charts.

Such grahas gain strength. They are stronger than the strength indicated in the D-1 chart. A strong (exalted, own sign, dig bala…) graha becomes stronger if it is in the same rasi in the D-9 chart. A weak (debilitated, combust…) graha in the D-1 chart increases its strength if it is in vargottama. Phala Deepika indicates that a vargottama graha’s strength is equivalent to that of the graha in its own sign. A chart with 2 or more such grahas is very strong.

Identifying grahas that would be vargottama is easy to do from the Rasi (D-1) chart itself. Every rasi (sign) has a 3 degree 20 minutes portion in which grahas will be vargottama.

  • Movable signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) – 0:00 to 3:20
  • Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) – 13:20 to 16:40
  • Dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) – 26:40 to 30:00
Vargottama grahas
Vargottama Positions in each Rasi (sign)

Example – Warren Buffet

In Warren Buffet’s chart, Sun, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu are in the same sign in D1 and D9. These grahas are in very important houses in his chart – 5th, 9th, 10th, and 11th houses. 5,9,11 indicates wealth and 10th indicates career.

Warren Buffet

Example – Winston Churchill

In Winston Churchill’s chart Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter, and Sun are in the same sign in D1 and D9. These grahas are in his 2nd and 8th houses. The 8th house produced unexpected turn of events in Churchill’s life which made him famous.

Winston Churchill

Vargottama is often overlooked because it is not obvious from the Rasi chart. Software programs show the D9 chart and a quick comparison can reveal vargottamas. It is easier to identify these using the south indian chart. In the north indian chart the rasis are not fixed, so it is harder to see this pattern.


  1. HS ShankarNarayanan
      December 1, 2022

    “A weak (debilitated, combust…) graha in the D-1 chart increases its strength if it is in vargottama”. Does it mean MORE WEAK/MORE COMBUST? or becomes less weak / less combust/get out of combustion? Please give some clear explanation.

    • vedicmystic
        January 30, 2023

      A weak graha in vargottama will become less weak. In Warren Buffet’s chart Venus is debilitated and vargottama – debilitated in D1 and D9. He ran this from 1960 to 1980. It was not his greatest period, but it wasn’t very bad either. He became a millionaire and established Berkshire Hathaway in this period.

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