Arudha Lagna (What others think of you)

How to determine what others think about you in vedic astrology. The answer is the “Arudha Lagna”.
Facts, in vedic astrology, are seen from the lagna (udaya) or ascendant. So, questions like, will I get married, how many children would I have, will I buy a new house, will I get a promotion… are all seen from the ascendant.
Questions like, will I be wealthy, on the other hand, are trickier. These are subjective. Whose point of you should you take when answering such a question? Is this question about how you feel about yourself or how the world feels about you. Vedic astrology uses the “Arudha Lagna (AL)” to evaluate what others think about you.
How do you determine the Arudha lagna? This is actually very easy. You count the number of signs the lord of the lagna is from the lagna. You then count the same number from the lord of the lagna to determine the AL. Remember to always count inclusively in vedic astrology. As an example, if you have an Aries ascendant and Mars (the lord of the ascendant) is in Gemini, then Mars is three signs from the lagna. So the sign, three houses from Gemini, Leo, is the AL.
Note that the Arudha lagna is the same as the ascendant (lagna) if the lord of the lagna is in the 1st of 7th sign from the lagna. People with their lagnesh in the 1st or 7th sign from the lagna are easier to analyze because what they are and what the world thinks about them is the same.
You can now do your chart interpretations from the Arudha lagna. To determine if others think you are rich, you would look for dhana yogas from the AL. You would also look at the 2nd and the 11th houses from the AL.
The other points of reference are the ascendant (reality), the moon (mind/expectation), and the sun (ideals).
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