Karako Bhava Nasti – Exceptions
Karako bhava nasti is an interesting and counter intuitive concept in vedic astrology. Karako derives from the word “karak” or doer/significator. Every graha signifies something. For example, Sun signifies the father. Moon signifies the mother… Every bhava or house also signifies something. For example, the 9th house signifies the father and the 4th house signifies the mother. You would assume having the Sun in the 9th or the Moon in the 4th would enhance the appropriate significance because the graha and the house signify the same thing. However, the “karako bhava nasti” principle states that the significance will be destroyed (nasti). Too much of anything can be harmful!
There are, however, exceptions to this rule. The exceptions are
- Graha is exalted or in its own sign – fully cancels the negative effect. Jupiter in Pisces for a Scorpio lagna or Moon in Cancer for an Aries lagna.
- Graha is retrograde – fully cancels the negative effect.
- Jupiter conjuncts or aspects the affected house – reduces the negative effect depending on how strong Jupiter is.
- Trikona lords (1,5,9) conjuncts or aspects the house – reduces the negative effect depending on how strong the Trikona lords are.
This concept is used mainly for relations. It could mean troubled relationships, separation, or friction in general.
- Sun in 9th (bad for father)
- Moon in 4th (bad for mother)
- Mars in 3rd (bad for siblings)
- Venus in 7th (bad for wife)
- Jupiter in 5th (bad for children)
Rahul Gandhi

In Rahul Gandhi’s chart we have Venus in the 7th house. This affects his relationship with his wife. Rahul Gandhi has not married.
Sean Penn

In Sean Penn’s chart Sun is in the 9th house. This technically is “karako bhava nasti” indicating troubles with his dad. However, his chart has many of the exceptions that are highlighted above. Sun is in its own sign in Leo. A strong Jupiter aspects the 9th house. The lords of the 1st and 5th house (Jupiter and Mars) also aspect the 9th house. Sean Penn appears to have had a great relationship with his father.
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