Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Mars forms the Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga
- Mars is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation
- Mars is in a kendra (1,4,7,10) house from the lagna (ascendant) or the Moon
Mahapurusha yogas pertain to success achieved through action. Therefore, classical texts indicate Kendras because they are the houses of action. If the yoga repeats from the ascendant and the Moon it is doubly strong because it indicates confluence. It is a strong placement even if the planet is in a trikona (5,9) house.
The qualities of the yoga are directly related to the qualities of Mars. Therefore, one born with Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga will be powerful, adventurous, and successful as a commander-in-chief. He/she will acquire wealth and become famous performing courageous deeds and conquering enemies.
For example, Adolph Hitler epitomizes this yoga albeit in an infamous sense.

Mars in its own house and in the 7th house from the ascendant
Another example, Kapil Dev and Monica Seles are two positive examples of Ruchaka yoga at work. Kapil Dev was the daring Indian cricketer who captained India to its first world cup in 1983. Monica Seles was the powerful tennis player who ruled the tennis world in the early 90s.

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