Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga

There are five mahapurusha yogas, collectively called Pancha mahapurusha yogas. The five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn – create each of the five mahapurusha yogas. Mercury forms the Bhadra mahapurusha yoga. There are two requirements for this yoga
- Mercury is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation
- Mercury is in a kendra (1,4,7,10) house from the lagna (ascendant) or the Moon
Mahapurusha yogas pertain to success achieved through action. Therefore, classical texts indicate Kendras because they are the houses of action. If the yoga repeats from the ascendant and the Moon it is doubly strong because it indicates confluence. It is a strong placement even if the planet is in a trikona (5,9) house.
The qualities of the yoga are directly related to the qualities of Mercury. Therefore, one born with Bhadra mahapurusha yoga is intelligent and eloquent in speech. He or she is learned, rich, and prosperous.
For example, Agatha Christie is a good example of this yoga. She was prolific writer. Agatha Christie is recognized by the Guinness World Records as the best selling novelist of all time. She also wrote the world’s longest running play, “The Mousetrap”.

Mercury exalted/own sign in the 10th house from ascendant
Other examples include Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. They are both very rich and intelligent.

Mercury exalted/own sign in the 4th house from ascendant

Mercury exalted/own sign in 10th house from ascendant
Related Pancha maha purusha yogas
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