Virinchi Yoga
When Jupiter, Saturn, and the 5th lord are strong – in their sign of exaltation, own sign, or a friend’s sign, and all three occupy kendra or trikona positions we get Virinchi yoga.
People with Virinchi yoga are extremely intelligent, spiritual, happy at heart, and are full of good qualities. The yoga bestows long life, complete control over senses, and reverence from Kings. He or she will have many distinguished disciples and will shine with spiritual luster. He or she will be sweet and noble in his speech and will be blessed with wealth, wife, and children. This yoga combines the strength of the purva-punya house (5th house), the graha signifying dharma (Jupiter), and the enforcer of dharma (Saturn).

Lord Rama’s chart is a perfect example of this yoga. He is the epitome of dharma and spirituality.
- Jupiter – exalted in the 1st house (kendra)
- Saturn – exalted in the 4th house (kendra)
- Lord of the 5th house is Mars, which is exalted in the 7th house (kendra)
Virinchi yoga is part of a triad of yogas – Srikantha, Srinatha, and Virinchi. All three yogas need three planets to be in strong positions and in Kendra and Trikona. Srikantha relates more to power, Srinatha relates more to money, and Virinchi relates more to intelligence.
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