Raja Yoga – Bhanga (Cancellation)

Yogas are unique to vedic astrology. There are thousands of yogas and every chart has some yogas. Not all yogas are equal, though. A select few called Raja Yogas, can make a person a King. Every classical vedic astrology text has a chapter on these Raja Yogas. However, there are times when a chart will have a few Raja Yoga and the person may not feel like a King. This brings us to the combinations that cause Raja Yoga Cancellations.
In general, the Raja Yoga forming planets should be strong and not affected by natural malefics. The blog on how to analyze yogas gives more details.
In this article, though, we will consider other combinations (Yoga Bhangas) in a chart that can cause Raja Yoga cancellations. Chapter 39 of Saravali states – when a chart has Raja Yogas and Yoga Bhangas the stronger of the two will prevail.
These Yoga Bhangas can be classified into four sets. The first set involves three or more weak grahas, excluding Rahu and Ketu. The second set involves a weak Sun or Moon. This shows the importance of the luminaries, especially for power and fame. The third set looks at omens. Finally, the last set shows weaknesses, but wouldn’t jump out as Yoga Bhangas.
Many weak grahas
There are many variants of this. These Bhangas have three of more debilitated, combust or poorly placed (6,8,12) grahas.
- Greater than three debilitated grahas
- Debilitated Moon + 2 or more of the four (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun) debilitated + one of the four debilitated in the ascendant.
- Three debilitated grahas + Jupiter debilitated or combust + Aquarius ascendant
- Four debilitated or combust grahas + no natural benefic in Kendras or conjoint the Moon (no positive support).
- Five debilitated grahas
- Five grahas that are combust or in an enemy’s sign + Sun of Moon not exalted.
- All natural malefics in debilitation or in an enemy’s sign + all natural benefics in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house.
- Sun, Mars, and Saturn in 3rd, 6th, and 7th house respectively + weak Moon aspecting lagnesh + no natural benefics in Kendras + natural benefics are combust
Weak Sun or Moon
Sun and Moon are the two luminaries. Raja Yogas thrive when one or both of them are strong. Conversely, Yoga Bhangas are created when either of them is weak.
- Sun debilitated at exactly 10 degrees, which is the Sun’s deepest point of debilitation.
- Moon debilitated at 3 degrees – Moon’s deepest point of debilitation + Moon is weak (a new Moon)
- Chart has Kemadruma yoga and the Moon has no aspects from any grahas (isolated Moon)
- New Moon + Moon aspected by natural malefics + no aspect from natural benefics + Sun in Leo in navamsa
- New Moon without aspect from any graha + new Moon in last navamsa of a movable sign, or 8th navamsa of a fixed sign, or 1st navamsa of a dual sign.
- Meteor, earthquake or thunder at the time of birth
- Ascendant in trisankhu nakshatra + Saturn in ascendant + fall of a comet
Miscellaneous – Not as obvious
- Ascendant is vargottama + no aspect on the ascendant – this is a head-scratcher!
- Debilitated Venus in the navamsa (D-9) – even a slight weakness in Venus can affect a Raja Yoga.
- No natural benefics in Kendra
- Jupiter debilitated in ascendant (capricorn) + Moon not in cancer
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