Conjunction of two Grahas
What happens when two grahas establish a sambandha or connection? The blog on relationships gives more details about the different kinds of sambandha. In this blog, we will mainly look at conjunction and mutual aspect of two grahas. Chapter 15 of Saravali covers the results for all combinations involving two of the seven true grahas; excluding Rahu and Ketu.
The image below summarizes the results of the conjunction of two grahas into three buckets – positive, negative, and neutral.

The grahas in the image go from the most benefic, Jupiter, to the most malefic, Saturn. The top left section combines two benefics resulting in positive results. The bottom right section combines two malefics resulting in negative or neutral results.
Jupiter is the greatest benefic and hence it always gives positive results for all the combinations it is involved in.
- Venus and Jupiter – educated, great debater, virtuous, blessed with good sons, wife, and wealth.
- Mercury and Jupiter – noted dancer, scholar, singer, instrumentalist, wise and happy.
- Moon and Jupiter – firm in relationships, modest, respectful, wealthy, virtuous, and intelligent.
- Sun and Jupiter – virtuous, minister to the King, gains through friends, good mind, wealthy, famous, spiritual. Good for the teaching profession.
- Mars and Jupiter – artisan, Vedic expert, intelligent, expert in speech, wise, and skilled.
- Saturn and Jupiter – heroic, wealthy, chief of a city, and famous. Good for politicians.
Venus is the second most benefic graha. Therefore, its association is mostly positive, with neutral results when associated with Mars and Saturn.
- Mercury and Venus – rich, studies the scriptures, good in speech, knows to sing, make fun, and likes scents and flowers.
- Moon and Venus – endowed with flowers, incense, and clothes, dutiful, expert in buying and selling.
- Sun and Venus – skilled, mighty, and wealthy. can lead to weak-sight in old age.
- Mars and Venus – chief among his men, a mathematician or astrologer. It can cause unhappiness in the marital front, be a gambler, and a liar.
- Saturn and Venus – skilled in the trades – barber, painter, sculptor, boxer – like to wander, and own animals.
Mercury is benefic if it associates with benefics and becomes malefic if it associates with malefics. Therefore, its combinations are both benefic and malefic.
- Moon and Mercury – poet, wealthy, amiable to his spouse, beautiful, smiling faced, and virtuous.
- Sun and Mercury – noble, good speech, strong, learned, and beautiful.
- Mars and Mercury – architect, unlucky spouse, little wealth, works with metals and medicine.
- Saturn and Mercury – contract debts, be proud, deceitful, good speech, poet, fickle-minded.
The Moon is the least of the benefics.
- Sun and Moon – wealthy, metallurgist, light-hearted, subservient to the spouse, deceitful, affected eyesight.
- Mars and Moon – valorous, boxer, brave in war, suffers from bodily imbalances. Good for craftsman dealing with mud, leather, and minerals.
- Saturn and Moon – not wealthy and not virtuous.
Sun is the least malefic of the malefic grahas
- Mars and Sun – splendorous and valorous. also dull-witted, sinful, aggressive, and a liar.
- Saturn and Sun – metallurgist, virtuous and mindful fo his duties. difficulties with spouse and children.
- Saturn and Mars – metallurgist, deceitful, thief, fond of quarrels.
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