Why study Vedic Astrology?

Why should someone study vedic astrology? Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra answers this question. Maitreya is the student and Maharishi Parashara is the teacher. The student prostrates before the teacher and asks to learn Jyotish, with the desire to answer the following questions –
- How is the Universe created?
- How does this creation end?
- What is the relationship between the living beings on the earth and the heavenly bodies?
Compare these to the similar questions asked in the Upanishads? For example, Isa Upanishad explores the creation of the world and how it works. Katha Upanishad asks what happens to the soul after death. Finally, Mandukya, Aitareya, Chandogya, and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads focus on the relationship between the jiva (living being on earth) and the atma (the supreme reality). The format of the approach is also similar – a student approaching a teacher with devotion to learn the ultimate truth.
The study of vedic astrology is not for the mundane, but to use the knowledge to help us through our spiritual journey. We can learn about our past karma, our strengths and weaknesses, and the periods that are good and bad for us. We can use this information to be better prepare for good times and bad times. Many, if not all, our actions result from our past karma. Astrology can help you deal with them better.
Bhagavat Gita – Chapter 2 Verse 47
karmaṇy-evādhikāras te mā phaleṣhu kadāchana
mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo ’stvakarmaṇiYou have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction.
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