What is wealth? A Navaratri Perspective

The navaratri season is in full swing. The festival respects and worships the female form. Navaratri lasts for nine days and families worship Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati, 3 days each. Families pray to the devine godesses to grant wealth and prosperity. In that context, what wealth are they referring to?
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of wealth is money. By extension we also think of objects that signify wealth – property, vehicles, and clothes. However, is this the full scope of the definition of wealth? The Ashta Lakshmi’s (eight forms of Lakshmi) has the answer.
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth. She has eight forms.
Adi Lakshmi and Santana Lakshmi
The first two represent our ancestors and our children. These are Adi Lakshmi and Santana Lakshmi. We get our start from the family that we are born into. Adi Lakshmi represents a good family background and good ancestors. We spend a lot of our life raising and caring for our children. Our children also carry on our ancestry. Santana Lakshmi represents our children.
Veera Lakshmi, Vidya Lakshmi, Dhana Lakshmi
The next three act as surrogates for the three main goddesses in Hinduism. These three also capture the three pillars for success – power, knowledge, and financial wealth. Veera Lakshmi represents power, Vidya Lakshmi represents knowledge, and Dhana Lakshmi represents financial earnings.
Dhaanya Lakshmi and Gaja Lakshmi
Two more add flavor to the non-financial types of wealth. Dhaanya Lakshmi represents our gains from agriculture. This can be translated to food for those in cities. Gaja Lakshmi represents our property – land, vehicles, and animals.
Vijaya Lakshmi
Finally, when you have these seven sources of wealth, you also make enemies and get troubled by others. Vijaya Lakshmi helps you defeat your enemies and overcome obstacles.
Vedic astrology provides refers to a number of dhana yogas. The link highlights the popular ones.
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