Kahala Parivartana Yoga

Kahala Parivartana Yoga is one of the three types of Parivartana Yogas. You can follow the link to read more about Parivartana Yoga.
Parivartana yoga is formed when two lords of different houses mutually interchange places. That is they occupy the house of each other.
If one of the lords is the 3rd lord and the other is a positive house lord, it forms a Kahala Parivartana Yoga. 8 out of the 66 combinations fall under this category. For example, a Cancer ascendant with Mercury in Leo and Sun in Virgo. This example involves the lords of the 2nd and 3rd houses.
This yoga gives mixed results. According to Phaladeepika, the person is occasionally haughty and sometimes sweet in speech. The person has ups and downs in life.
Here are some examples of charts that have this yoga.
Prince Charles
Kahala Parivartana Yoga between Mercury and Venus – lords of the 3rd and 4th houses. Prince Charles’ life has a number of ups and downs related to his home and happiness. He was born the heir to the throne, but may never become King.

Hugh Hefner
Has this yoga between Mars and Saturn – lords of the 3rd and 5th houses. Hugh Hefner’s life has a number of ups and downs in the field of entertainment.

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