Vasumati Yoga

Vasumati yoga forms when the natural benefics are in upachaya houses. Position of the natural benefics is very important in vedic astrology. Jupiter and Venus are always benefics. Mercury is benefic when it associates with other benefics. Moon is benefic when it is waxing. You can follow this link to learn more about natural benefics and natural malefics.
If all benefics are in upachaya house, i.e. 3,6,10, and 11 houses, the chart has Vasumati Yoga. You can use the ascendant or the Moon to look for this yoga. A native with this yoga will be very wealthy.
Upachaya houses indicate improvement with time. The 3rd and 6th houses are negative houses. In their case, these houses improved to become better over time. The 10th and 11th houses are positive houses. In their case, these houses become even better over time. In general, upachaya houses do well after 35 years.
Rafael Nadal’s chart is a good example of this yoga from the Moon. Mercury and Venus are in the 3rd house and Jupiter is in the 11th house. Moon is not a natural benefic in his chart.

Nadal’s chart has a number of other yogas as well making it a powerful chart.
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