Archive for November, 2019

Exalted Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. An exalted retrograde planet becomes doubly strong. If the planet is benefic in the chart, the results are very positive. If the planet is malefic in the chart, the results are very negative. Joe Biden For example, Joe Biden’s chart has an exalted […]

Debilitated Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. A benefic planet, in a chart, becomes more benefic and a malefic planet, in a chart, becomes more malefic. In this blog, we look at charts that have debilitated-retrograde planets. Barack Obama In Barack Obama‘s chart, Jupiter is Retrograde and Debilitated. Jupiter dasha […]

Retrograde in Vedic Astrology

What is retrograde in vedic astrology? How do you determine if a graha is retrograde? What are the effects of the graha being retrograde in a chart? These are the main questions we will answer in this blog. What is Retrograde? A graha is retrograde when it appears to move backward relative to the motion […]

Papa Kartari Yoga

Papa Kartari Yoga forms when natural malefics surround the ascendant. In other words, the 2nd and 12th houses from the ascendant are occupied by natural malefics. For this yoga, there should be malefics in both the 2nd and 12th houses. The idea is that your neighbors or neighborhood influence your behavior. A negative surrounding leads […]

Subha Kartari Yoga

Subha Kartari Yoga forms when natural benefics surround the ascendant. In other words, the 2nd and 12th houses from the ascendant are occupied by natural benefics. For this yoga, there should be benefics in both the 2nd and 12th houses. The idea is that your neighbors or neighborhood influence your behavior. A positive surrounding leads […]