Debilitated Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. A benefic planet, in a chart, becomes more benefic and a malefic planet, in a chart, becomes more malefic. In this blog, we look at charts that have debilitated-retrograde planets.
Barack Obama
In Barack Obama‘s chart, Jupiter is Retrograde and Debilitated. Jupiter dasha ran from 1996 to 2012. Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996. He became the state Senator in 2005. He won the Presidency in 2008 for the first time and won his reelection campaign in 2012. Obviously, Jupiter also has Dig Bala, is in the ascendant, and is part of a number of yogas. His chart is an example of a natural benefic giving very good results when the planet is retrograde.

Agatha Christie
For example, Agatha Christie has a Debilitated Retrograde Jupiter. Christie holds the Guinness World record for the best-selling novelist of all time. She ran Jupiter dasha from 1922 to 1938. Agatha’s writing career started in all earnest in 1922. She wrote her second novel in 1922 and went on her first around-the-world tour to promote her books in the same year. She introduced Hercule Poirot in 1923 and Miss Marple in 1927. By 1938, Agatha Christie had written 24 books (23 books in the Jupiter Dasha of 16 years!) and was firmly established as one of the greatest mystery writers. Agatha’s first husband divorced her in 1926, but she married her second husband in 1930 and they lived a happy married life for 46 years until Christie’s death. Agatha Christie’s chart is a great example of the strength of a retrograde planet because Jupiter does not have other supportive factors in the chart.

Bruce Lee
For example, Bruce Lee has retrograde Jupiter and Saturn. We will focus on Saturn because it is debilitated and retrograde in his chart. Bruce Lee ran Saturn dasha from 1959 to 1978. Lee moved to the United States in 1959 and started teaching martial arts the same year. He received his high-school diploma in 1960. Lee starred in “The Big Boss” in 1971, in “Fist of Fury” in 1972, and in “Enter the Dragon” in 1973. Although, Bruce Lee died in 1973, his fame was attained in his Saturn dasha.

Louis Pasteur
For example, Louis Pasteur has a debilitated-retrograde Saturn in his chart. His Saturn dasha ran from 1862 to 1881. He also has a retrograde Jupiter which ran from 1846 to 1862. Louis Pasteur is known for vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. In 1862, he patented the process, we now know as pasteurization. In 1879 he performed inoculation, in 1880 he invented vaccination, and in 1881 he developed the anthrax vaccine.

For example, Jupiter and Saturn are both retrograde in Pele’s chart. Pele ran Saturn dasha from 1978 to 1997. His fame, however, came in his Jupiter dasha from 1962 to 1978. Jupiter is of ordinary status if you ignore Retrograde. Pele’s chart shows how Jupiter’s retrograde status made his Jupiter dasha memorable. In 1962, Pele was the best-rated player in the world. Brazil won its second world cup in 1962. In 1966, Pele was the most famous footballer in the world. In 1970, Pele lead Brazil to its third world cup title.

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