Exalted Retrograde

As explained in the Retrograde blog, retrograde adds strength to the planet. An exalted retrograde planet becomes doubly strong. If the planet is benefic in the chart, the results are very positive. If the planet is malefic in the chart, the results are very negative.
Joe Biden
For example, Joe Biden’s chart has an exalted retrograde Jupiter. His Jupiter dasha runs from 2006 to 2022. Jupiter is the lord of his 2nd and 5th house, placed in his 9th house. Jupiter is, therefore, a benefic in his chart. The exalted-retrograde status of Jupiter makes it very benefic for him.
Biden declared his candidacy for Presidency in 2007 and later ran as the Vice President with Obama in 2008. The Obama-Biden ticket won the election in 2008 and Biden was sworn in as Vice President in 2009. Biden served as the Vice President for 8 years, from 2009 to 2017. In 2019, Biden announced that he would run for President. He is the leading democratic candidate, at the time of this blog, and has a good shot of becoming the President in 2020. Biden’s first bid for the Presidency was in 1998. If he wins in 2020, he would have achieved his goal after 22 years and in his retrograde-exalted Jupiter dasha!

Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor has a very similar Jupiter to Joe Biden. Therefore, in her case as well, Jupiter is very benefic and extra strong. She was born in Jupiter dasha, which lasted until 1944.
Elizabeth was born into a rich American family living in London. She was raised in an exclusive circle with rich family friends. In 1939 she moved to United States because of the impending war and the family settled in the rich neighborhood of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles. Liz Taylor started her acting career in 1941 and was a very successful child artist from 1941 and 1944. She obviously went on to become one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood. Her Jupiter dasha was very good.

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has the ascendant lord, Saturn, exalted-retrograde in the 9th house. Saturn is a benefic in his chart. Sri Ramakrishna ran Saturn dasha from 1949 to 1968.
Sri Ramakrishna moved to Calcutta in 1852 and saw the vision of Goddess Kali in 1855. All his spiritual learnings came during the Saturn dasha.

Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh has Mercury in its own sign and retrograde. Mercury in Amitabh’s chart is the lord of the 8th house in the 8th house. It is conjunct with two malefics – Sun and Mars. Mercury is also conjunct with a debilitated Venus. Mercury can be considered a malefic in his chart. The retrograde position, therefore, makes Mercury extra malefic.
Mercury dasha ran from 1990 to 2007. By 1990, his acting career was on the decline and he retired from acting in 1992. In 1996 he started ABCL, which ran into losses and had a financial collapse in 1997. From 2000 to 2007, Amitabh starred in some films and hosted Kaun Banega Crorepati. The successes in this period were muted in comparison to the fame he had prior to 1990. Amitabh’s fortunes did do much better after 2007.

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