Gauri Yoga

Gauri yoga forms when three conditions satisfy
- Moon is in his own house or in his sign or exaltation
- Moon is in a Kendra or Trikona from the ascendant
- Jupiter aspects the Moon
The native with Gauri yoga has a beautiful body and is a friend of the King. He or she possesses good qualities and belongs to an illustrious family. Others praise the native for his or her successes. The yoga is an auspicious yoga. A strong Moon, in general, adds strength to a chart. Jupiter’s aspect on the Moon or the lagna is also desirable as a rule of thumb.
For Example – Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria exemplifies this yoga. She has Moon in its sign of exaltation. Her Moon is in the first house, a Kendra and a Trikona. Finally, her Jupiter aspects her Moon. Therefore, her chart satisfies all the conditions for Gauri yoga.

For Example – Barack Obama
Barack Obama has a similar combination. He also has his Moon in its sign of exaltation. His Moon is in the fifth house, a Trikona house. Finally, his Jupiter also aspects his Moon. Therefore, his chart also satisfies all the conditions for this yoga.

In both examples, Jupiter is debilitated. This, however, does not impact the definition of this yoga.
Here are links to some of the critical yogas in vedic astrology. I grouped Gauri under wealth because I did not create a category for auspicious yogas. The benefits of the yoga enable the generation of wealth.
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