Gaja Kesari Yoga

Gaja Kesari Yoga is one of the most famous yogas in vedic astrology. The simplest form of this yoga only requires Jupiter and Moon to be at angles to each other. The simplest form is very common and is found in 25% of the charts. Therefore, the yoga is very popular. However, the definition in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra requires more factors.
- Jupiter is in an angle from the ascendant or the Moon
- Jupiter is conjunct or aspected by another benefic
- Additionally, Jupiter is not combust, in its sign of debilitation, or in an inimical sign
Jupiter is inimical to Venus and Mercury and is debilitated in Capricorn. Therefore, Jupiter cannot be in Capricorn, Taurus, Libra, Gemini, and Virgo. The only other benefics are Venus and Mercury. Therefore, one or both of them should be conjunct with or in the seventh house from Jupiter.
Results of the yoga
The native born with Gaja Kesari Yoga is splendorous, wealthy, intelligent, and virtuous. This one yoga in a chart can cancel all the bad yogas in the chart.
Here are some example charts that have all the factors mentioned in BPHS
Mahatma Gandhi

In Mahatma Gandhi’s chart, Jupiter is in an angle from the ascendant (7th house) and the Moon (10th house). Venus and Mercury aspect Jupiter. Jupiter is not combust, in its sign of debilitation, or in an inimical sign.
Rajiv Gandhi

In Rajiv Gandhi’s chart, Jupiter is in an angle from Moon (1st house). Jupiter is conjunct Venus and Mercury. Jupiter is not combust (more than 6 degrees away from the Sun), in its sign of debilitation, or in an inimical sign.
Julia Roberts

The configuration in Julia Robert’s chart is very similar to that in Rajiv Gandhi’s. Jupiter is in an angle from the Moon (1st house). Venus is conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter is not combust, in its sign of debilitation, or in an inimical sign. In her chart, Jupiter is clearly not combust.
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