Famous artists vedic charts

Can vedic charts indicate fame in the field of art? We look at the vedic charts of some of the most famous artists to look for similarities. The list includes
- Auguste Rodin
- Auguste Renoir
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Henri Matisse
- Vincent Van Gogh
In vedic astrology the 5th house represents creativity. The 1st house represents the self and therefore fame. So, a combination of the 1st and 5th house indicates fame through creative works. The 1st and 5th houses and their lords should be strong as well. Venus is the natural significator of the arts. Therefore, a strong and well placed Venus is desired. Finally, Saraswati yoga is the yoga for fine arts. Charts with this yoga indicate success in the arts.
Saraswati yoga forms when Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are in 1,2,4,5,7,9, or 11 houses. In addition, Jupiter is in its sign of exaltation, in its own sign, or in a friend’s sign. You can see the yoga from the ascendant or the Moon. All five famous artists vedic charts have Saraswati yoga.
Auguste Rodin

Rodin’s chart has Saraswati yoga – Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury in the 11th house. Jupiter is in a friend’s (Mars) house. In his chart, the lord of the 1st house (Saturn) and the lord of the 5th house (Venus) are conjunct in the 11th house of gains. Venus, the karaka of the Arts, is involved in the 1/5 conjunction and Saraswati yoga. The first and fifth houses are aspected by their respective lords, adding strength to the houses.
The 1st and 5th house lords are also conjunct in the Navamsa. Venus is in its sign of exaltation and the conjunction is in the 3rd house of skills.
Auguste Renoir

Renoir’s chart also has Saraswati yoga, albeit from the Moon. The lord of the 5th house is Venus. Venus forms a maha parivartana yoga with Mars (lords of 4th and 10th). Venus is also vargottama giving it more strength. Additionally, the 4th and 5th lords are conjunct in the 1st house when seen from the Moon sign.
Henri Matisse

Matisse’s is the 3rd chart with Saraswati yoga. His forms from the ascendant in the Rasi chart. The lord of the 5th house (Jupiter) aspects the 5th house. From the Moon sign, the lords of the 1st and 5th houses aspect their own houses respectively. The lord of the 1st house is in the 5th house establishing a sambhandha between the 1st and 5th houses.
Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh’s chart is another example with Saraswati yoga. In his case Jupiter is in its own sign as well. This makes the Saraswati yoga stronger. His 5th lord (Venus) is in its sign of exaltation conjunct the 3rd lord (Sun) of skills.
Van Gogh has the 1st lord and 5th lords conjunct when seen from the Arudha lagna. Van Gogh was not successful in his lifetime and was seen as a failure. Perhaps, others viewed him as a greater artist than he himself did.
Leonardo Da Vinci

Da Vinci’s chart has Saraswati yoga as well. Jupiter is not in a friend’s sign, but Jupiter is vargottama, giving it strength. The 1st lord (Mars) is in its sign of exaltation in the 3rd house of skills. The lords of the 1st (Saturn) and 5th (mercury) mutually aspect each other when seen from the Moon. Venus, the karaka for arts, is in its own house aspecting the ascendant.
Additionally, the lords of the 1st and 5th houses also mutually aspect each other in the Navamsa. Venus is also in its sign of exaltation in the Navamsa.
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