Prince Harry Vedic Chart

Prince Harry was born on September 15th, 1984 at 4:20 pm in Paddington, London. Below is Prince Harry vedic chart details

Backdrop of the chart
The Rasis and Nakshatras provide the backdrop of a chart. In Prince Harry’s chart, the ascendant, ascendant lord, Moon, and Sun are in Fire signs. This indicates a lot of energy and a need for action. Sagittarius indicates a just nature, a need for freedom, and a desire to achieve something big. Sun in Leo gives him aristocracy and the natural ability to win over people’s hearts. Moon in Aries makes him aggressive and impetuous. The key nakshatras are Krittika (Moon), Moola (Jupiter), Sun (Uttaraphalguni), and Purvaashada (ascendant). Krittika gives him a sharp and cutting nature. Moola indicates struggles and brings out the contrarian in him. Uttaraphalguni makes him generous, and finally, Purvaashada provides the will power to seek improvement.
Strength of Lagna (ascendant)
The lagna is the most important point in vedic astrology. Prince Harry’s lagna is in the sign of Sagittarius. This makes him just, someone who seeks freedom, and someone who aims high. The symbolism of an archer ready to fire is apt for Sagittarians. The lord of the ascendant is Jupiter. Jupiter is in its moolatrikona sign in the first house. This forms a very strong mahapurusha yoga – hamsa yoga. Prince Harry embodies a lot of the characteristics of this yoga. Obviously, the lagna is very strong.
Nature of the Mind (Moon)
The Moon represents the mind. In Prince Harry’s chart Moon is in the fifth house and in the nakshatra of Krittika. The fifth house is the house of creativity and children among other things. Moon and the fifth house are aspected by a strong malefic, Saturn and a strong benefic, Jupiter. The lord of the fifth house, Mars, is in the twelveth house conjoint Ketu and aspected by Rahu. Although Mars is in his own sign and in its sign of exaltation in the Navamsa, the influence of Rahu and Ketu and the presence in the 12th house reduce the strength of Mars.
Krittaka nakshatra’s symbol is a sharp razor. This makes the mind sharp and acerbic. Therefore, the mind is caustic and can be easily influenced. In his chart, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn affect the Moon or its lord. Also, Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn are all in their signs of exaltation. This makes their influence very strong.
Strengths and Weaknesses
The chart has a strong first house as already indicated. The 9th house is also very strong. Here Sun is in its own house and is conjunct Mercury, the lord of the 10th house. Sun and Mercury form budha adithya yoga and more importantly the most powerful dharma karmadhipati yoga (conjunction of 9th and 10th lords). This makes Prince Harry fortunate and shows interest in higher learning and spirituality. Jupiter also aspects the 9th house.
The weaknesses are in the 5th house, the 6-12 axis, and a debilitated Venus. Prince Harry can be easily influenced by the wrong company and he could face deceit from friends multiple times in his life.
Key events
Prince Harry lost his mother during Mo/Ke period. He was embroiled in controversy about wearing a Nazi uniform in his Ma/Ke period. He married in Ra/Ke period. The birth of his first son and his decision to leave the royal family were in the Ra/Ve period. These events happened when the weak points in his chart were activated.
His marriage with Megan will not last for long. He will struggle through the rest of his Rahu mahadasha (ending in Mar 2025). He will move back to the UK and support his brother. His Jupiter period from 2025 to 2041 will bring him fame and respect.
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