Adam Schiff Vedic Chart

Adam Schiff’s delivery of the House’s case in the Senate Trial of Donald Trump was exceptional. So, I wanted to check out his vedic chart. Below is Adam Schiff vedic chart using the birth information – June 22nd, 1960 at 6:13 am in Framingham, MA.

Overall analysis
Adam Schiff’s ascendant is Mercury. Mercury is in the second house of speech. Mercury, in his chart, has vargottama strength and is aspected by a strong Mars. No wonder he is able to speak so eloquently and effectively. Adam Schiff also has Saraswati yoga and Hamsa mahapurusha yoga, further reiterating his intellectual ability.
The 1-7 axis is very strong in his chart. He has the most powerful raja yoga formed by the 9th lord (Saturn) and the 10th lord (Jupiter) in the 7th house. Both Saturn and Jupiter are strong in his chart. Jupiter is in his own house, is retrograde, and forms Hamsa mahapurusha yoga. Saturn has dig bala, is retrograde, and is exalted in the Navamsa.
Apart from the 1-7 axis, Mars is in his own sign and Moon is exalted.
Overall, Adam Schiff vedic chart is very powerful.
Current Period (Senate Trial)

Adam Schiff runs Saturn mahadasha with Rahu bhukti from June 2018 to April 2021. Saturn, as mentioned, is very powerful in his chart. Saturn is also a Trikona lord (9th lord) in a Kendra house (7th house).
The mahadasha of Saturn activates the strength of Jupiter because Saturn is conjunct Jupiter. Jupiter forms Hamsa mahapurusha yoga. So, Saturn is doubly strong because it works with Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter also activate Venus, Sun and the 1st house through their direct aspect.
Rahu is in the third house of communication. Rahu is in Sun’s sign and Rahu’s nakshatra lord is Venus. Both Sun and Venus are in his first house. Therefore, his Saturn/Rahu period activates his 1st and 3rd houses. A very strong Jupiter aspects Rahu making Rahu beneficial for Adam Schiff.
The sub-period for the Senate Trial involves Mercury (Sep 2019 to Jan 30th, 2020) and Ketu (Jan 30th 2020 to Mar 31th 2020). Mercury is Adam Schiff’s ascendant. He became a household name in this period. The next period is Ketu’s, which indicates change. Ketu, again, brings out Saturn and Jupiter – Ketu is in Jupiter’s nakshatra and Ketu is in Saturn’s rasi. Saturn also aspects Ketu, aspecting into Saturn’s own house. Therefore, Ketu is also a beneficial graha for Adam.
Recurring Dharma Themes
Adam Schiff is fighting to establish that “truth matters” and get Donald Trump removed from office. If Donald Trump is removed, Adam Schiff will be largely credited for it. He is essentially fighting for Dharma.
Saturn is the lord of the 9th house – the house of Dharma. Rahu is in the 9th house from Saturn – again showing the activation of Dharma in the Saturn/Rahu period.
The sub-period of Ketu again activates the 9th house – Ketu is placed in the 9th house.
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