Jimmy Carter Vedic Chart

Details for Jimmy Carter Vedic Chart are – born Oct 1st, 1924, 7 am in Plains, Georgia, United States.

Backdrop (rasi and nakshatras)
Jimmy Carter ascendant and Moon are in Libra. He embodies a lot of the qualities of Librans such as an interest in public professions, a mercantile nature, importance of friends, clubs, and societies, and enduring marriage. His ascendant lord, Venus, is in Magha nakshatra and his Moon is in Vishaka nakshatra. Both these nakshatras indicate power and success.
Jimmy Carter’s father was a businessman and Jimmy managed and ran the family business. Jimmy was an entrepreneur at a very early age. He had an acre of land in which he grew, packaged, and sold peanuts.
Jimmy Carter was Georgia State Senator and Governor, and the President of the United States of America. He married his wife in 1946 and they are still married, 70+ years together.
Lagna and Lagnesh
Saturn is in its sign of exaltation in Jimmy Carter’s first house. Therefore, he has Sasa Mahapurusha yoga making his lagna very strong. Saturn is also the yogakaraka for Librans and forms a dharma karmadhipati yoga with Moon in the first house. The lagnesh, Venus, is in the eleventh house of gains. Venus forms dhana and dharma karmadhipati yogas with Mars and Mercury. The lord of the lagnesh, Sun, is in parivartana yoga with Mercury adding strength to the lagnesh. Overall, Jimmy Carter has a strong lagna and lagnesh. This ensures that his efforts are fruitful.
Key Events
Jimmy Carter vedic chart is a good example of the power of the sub-periods of the lagnesh. Some of the most important events in his life happened during the sub-period of Venus.
- Saturn/Venus – May 1946 to July 1949: He graduated and got married in this period.
- Mercury/Venus – Dec 1961 to Oct 1964: He entered politics and became Georgia’s State Senator.
- Ketu/Venus – Dec 1975 to Feb 1977: He became the President of the United States of America.
Current State (2020)
He is currently running his Mars Mahadasha (Jul 2018 to Jul 2025). Mars is the maraka graha for Librans because it is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house. It is not surprising that he has health issues and can die in this period. Jimmy Carter was hospitalized multiple times towards the end of 2019. He runs Mars/Jupiter through 2020. Jupiter is in his 2nd house and is not a benefic for Librans. This could be a tough year for him healthwise.
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