Agatha Christie Vedic Chart

Agatha Christie was born on September 15th 1890 at 14:14 in Torquay, UK. Below is Agatha Christie vedic chart.

Backdrop of the chart
The Rasis and Nakshatras provide the backdrop of a chart. In Agatha Christie’ chart the ascendant is in Sagittarius, a fire sign, with Mars, an energetic graha. This gives Agatha a desire to aim high and the energy to pursue her goals. The Moon and Sun are in Virgo, which indicates a sense of naivety. Her key nakshatras are Moola (ascendant), Hasta (Moon), and Uttaraphalguni (Sun). Moola indicates struggles. The Moon and Sun are in their own nakshatras indicating contentment. Hasta’s symbol is hands and she used her hands to pen her mystery novels.
Agatha Christie’s intelligence is clearly visible in the chart. Mercury is in the 10th house in its own sign. This forms Bhadra Mahapurusha yoga. Mercury also forms Budha-Aditya yoga with the Sun. Both these yogas repeat from the chandra lagna and the surya lagna. The 10th house is a focal point in her chart. Therefore, she uses her intelligence in her career.
The 3rd house is important for writers. At first glance, the 3rd house does not stand out in this chart. Agatha Christie’s chart is a good example of the importance of dashas in one’s career. She ran Jupiter and Saturn from 1922 to 1957 (31 to 66 years). Her career starts in all earnest in 1922. Jupiter is her lagnesh and is in the 2nd house. Saturn is the lord of the 2nd house. This brings Saturn’s influence in the Jupiter mahadasha. Saturn rules her 2nd and 3rd houses of speech and writing. The next dasha is that of Saturn. Again, this brings the 2nd and 3rd houses into focus. Saturn also aspects the 3rd house adding strength to that house.
Agatha Christie has one of the most powerful raja yogas – lord of the 9th and 10th house being together. In her case Sun and Mercury, the lords of the 9th and 10th houses respectively are together in the 10th house of career. Mercury, as already mentioned, also forms Bhadra Mahapurusha yoga and Bhudha-Aditya yogas. The 10th house is aspected by Jupiter and does not have any malefic influences. Her D10 chart is also very powerful with two pancha mahapurusha yogas. In 1971, Christie was appointed Dame Commander of the British Empire, the equivalent of knighthood, for her services to literature. This aptly occurred in her Mercury/Jupiter period.
Agatha Christie vedic chart is a good example of the power of yogas, the strength of divisional charts, and the importance of dashas.
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