Kwame Nkrumah vedic chart

Kwame Nkrumah was born on September 18th 1909 at 12:00 noon in Axim Ghana. Below is Kwame Nkrumah vedic chart.

Strength of the Lagna
The ascendant is the most important point in vedic astrology. Famous people typically have a strong ascendant. In Kwame Nkrumah vedic chart the ascendant is Sagittarius. The lord, Jupiter is in the 10th house of career and its lord, Mercury, is in its own house. This forms Parvata yoga. Mercury also forms Bhadra mahapurusha yoga adding strength to Jupiter.
Unique 4/10 axis
Kwame Nkrumah’s chart has five grahas in the 4/10 axis. These grahas contribute to a number of yogas in his chart. The grahas are Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Sun. Mercury and Sun form budha aditya yoga. The grahas lord houses 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10, and 12. Hence they form a whole slew of dharma karmadhipati yogas including the most powerful of them – 9,10 and 4,5 combinations. In addition, these also form dhana yoga (1,2), (2,5), and (2,9) combinations. He also has Vasumati yoga – another indicator of wealth.
Mercury is the strongest graha in this chart. That shows in his educational achievements. In the Mercury maha dasha, Nkrumah lead Ghana to independence. He was their first Prime Minister and he was in power through most of his Mercury maha dasha.
Chandra Lagna vs Janma Lagna
Kwame Nkrumah’s chandra lagna is also strong. The Moon is in Libra conjunct its lord, Venus. This forms a Malayva mahapurusha yoga. The prominent axis, however, forms in the 6/12 axis from the Moon. This shows a big difference between the focus from the janma lagna and the chandra lagna. The janma lagna indicates reality. From this perspective, the focus is education, property, vehicles, and career. The chandra lagna represents his mind. From this, the focus is enemies, illness, debts, loss, confinement, and immigration.
Kwame was overthrown in 1966 and he lived in exile until his death, never returning to his homeland. In exile, he lived the life of the rich and famous in Guinea, as the honorary co-president. However, he lived in constant fear of abduction and assassination. This shows the dichotomy between the two lagnas.
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