Vimsopaka Bala Calculation

This is a continuation of the Vimsopaka bala blog. Vedic astrology softwares give different values for Vimsopaka bala. Why are there differences in Vimsopaka bala calculation?
Reasons for different values
Here are some of the main reasons there are differences in Vimsopaka bala calculations.
- Some include exaltation and debilitation into the calculation. The BPHS calculation excludes exaltation and debilitation.
- Some consider Moolatrikona signs. The calculation gives 20 points to a graha when it is in its own house. For every graha other than Moon, the Moolatrikona sign is also its own sign. In the case of Moon, the moolatrikona is Taurus, but its own sign is Cancer. The BPHS calculation does not give 20 points when Moon is in Taurus.
- The BPHS system assigns 20, 18, 15, 10, 7, and 5 points for the six states. Some softwares use different values.
- Hora (D2) calculation is not clearly specified. In Hora all grahas are in either Cancer or Leo. Moon in Cancer and Sun in Leo get 20 points each. The calculation for every other case is ambiguous. BPHS specifies that Sun, Mars, and Sun are strong in Leo. Moon, Venus, Saturn are strong in Cancer. Mercury is strong in both Leo and Cancer. The first one-third of the Hora gives full results, the next one-third gives medium results and the last one-third gives no results.
- Trimsamsa (D30) cannot have Moon in Cancer and Sun in Leo. Therefore, they cannot get 20 points in the D30 chart. To rectify this, BPHS asks us to liken Sun to Mars and Moon to Venus. Therefore, if Sun is in Aries or Scorpio, should it get 20 points? Likewise, if Moon is in Taurus or Libra should it get 20 points?
Approach taken in this blog
- Exaltation, debilitation, and moolatrikona are not considered.
- The 20, 18, 15, 10, 7, 5 weights are used
- D2 calculation
- Sun in Leo and Moon in Cancer get 20 points
- Rest are evaluated like other varga charts.
- D30 calculation
- Moon in Taurus or Sun in Aries gets 20 points.
- Rest are evaluated like other varga charts.
Vimsopaka bala calculation looks straightforward at a high level. However, there are minute details that make the calculation subjective. Therefore, you end up with each software giving a different value.
In analysis, there is another confusion. Which varga group do you use? There is no consensus on this. I would use shad varga or dasa varga.
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