Classic Advaitic Examples – Illusion and Cause
The blog, classic advaitic examples – illusion and cause, combines the examples of the previous two blogs “illusions” and “cause“.
We can use the “clay and clay pot” example to walk through the four stages of Advaitic philosophy.

Stage 1 – There is a Clay Pot
The “clay pot” refers to all our experiences. In terms of external objects, it represents the entire world/universe. This includes all the astronomical objects and all the animate and inanimate objects on Earth. It includes our relations, friends, enemies, pets, plants, and any object we experience through our five sense organs. In terms of internal objects, it refers to our body and mind. This includes our body, our feelings, our emotions, and our mind.
This is an exhaustive list and includes everything in the material universe. If we believe this material universe is the ultimate reality we stop our quest at this stage. The school of philosophy that stops here was called the “Charvak” or today’s materialists. For them, there is only one life and the goal of life is to enjoy it to the fullest.
The “illusions” examples in the first blog are given to show that what we see is not the ultimate reality. We see “mirage-water”, but there is no water. This forces us to dismiss the idea that this stage is the ultimate reality.
Stage 2 – There is Clay – the cause
Next we observe that the clay pot is made of clay. Therefore, there is a cause behind the clay pot. In the example, the cause if “clay”. The examples also show that the same “clay” can create different clay objects. Therefore, “clay” is the foundational cause of the “clay universe”.
In Advaitic philosophy, the foundational element is termed “Atman”. It can be translated as “consciousness”. Atman equates to clay, while the world, body, and mind equate to the clay pot. At this stage, clay and clay pot are two different objects. This is the stage of dualism. Most religions and philosophies in the world today stop at this stage. Clay is the material cause, clay-pot is the effect, and God is the creator. God transforms clay into clay pots! In religion, God creates the universe, including all its life forms, with his nascent energy.
The “cause” examples highlight this step.
Stage 3 – Clay is everywhere in the Clay pot
If we examine the clay pot carefully we see clay in the top, the bottom, and the sides. In fact, every spot of the clay pot is essentially clay. So, we can conclude that clay permeates the entire clay pot.
The other examples provided in the “cause” blog reveal the same thing. Every spot in a gold jewelry is gold. Therefore, gold permeates all gold ornaments. Similarly, every part of the wave is actually water. So, water permeates the entire wave.
In this step, Vedantic philosophy merges the cause and the effect. This is a subtle step provided mainly to get to the next step.
Stage 4 – Clay only remains
Now, if I were to say, give me the Clay and you can have the Clay Pot, what would your reaction be? Obviously, you cannot disassociate the clay and the clay pot and be left with two separate objects. The clay pot exists only because of the clay. If you take the clay away there is no clay pot.
This is the final step in Advaitic philosophy. In this step, Advaitic philosophy states that “Atman” or “clay” is the only reality. The clay-pot does not have an independent existence apart from the clay.
Likewise, the “world, body, and mind” is a mere projection or illusion of the “Atman”. It is often confused that Advaitic philosophy states that the world is an illusion and hence is not real. The philosophy does not state that the world is not real, but does state that the world does not have an independent existence apart from “consciousness” or the “Atman”. You cannot, theoretically, image anything if there is no consciousness.
In this blog, classic Advaitic examples – illusion and cause, we started with a clay pot as reality and ended with clay as the only reality. In life, we start out assuming the world, our body, and mind as reality. Upon realization, we will understand that the only reality is consciousness.
Ultimate Advaitic Example – Rope and Snake
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