Parvata and Kahala Yogas
In vedic astrology the lord of the ascendant is very important. For yogas to give their full effect, the lord of the ascendant must be strong. Sometimes, when you look at the charts of famous people, the lord of the ascendant is not strong. You wonder how the yogas provided their effects. The answer very often lies in Parvata and Kahala yogas.
I am using the definition given in Phala Deepika. There are other definitions given in other books including Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. However, the definition in Phala Deepika directly ties to the strength of the ascendant’s lord.
Parvata Yoga
Parvata yoga forms when the dispositor (lord) of the lord of the ascendant is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation and in Kendra or Trikona position from the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant gets second-order support because its lord is strong.
Person with this yoga is wealthy and happy. He or she performs acts that last a long time, like building temples, hospitals…
Kahala Yoga
Kahala yoga forms when the dispositor of the dispositor of the lord of the ascendant is in its own sign or in its sign of exaltation and in Kendra or Trikona position from the ascendant. The lord of the ascendant gets third-order support because its lord’s lord is strong.
Person with this yoga is noble, kind, prosperous, and popular in public.
Effectively, Parvata and Kahala yogas provide second-order and third-order support to the ascendant lord.
Parvata yoga example – Warren Buffet

In Warren Buffet’s chart, the ascendant’s lord is Jupiter. Jupiter does not have primary strength. However, Jupiter’s lord – Mercury, is very strong. Mercury is in kendra and is in its own sign. This forms Parvata yoga. Mercury also forms Bhadra mahapurusha yoga.
Kahala Yoga example – Walt Disney

In Walt Disney’s chart, the lord of the ascendant is Mercury. Mercury does not have any primary strength. Next we look at Mercury’s lord. Mercury’s lord is Mars. Mars also does not have any primary strength. Next we look at Mars’ lord. Mars’ lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in its own sign and in kendra position. This forms Kahala yoga. Jupiter also forms Hamsa mahapurusha yoga.
Therefore, these examples show how Parvata and Kahala yogas add strength to the lord of the ascendant.
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