2021 is the year for Pisces (Meena) and Leo (Simha)

2021 is the year for Pisces (Meena) and Leo (Simha)! Vedic astrology uses dasas and transits to determine good and bad periods in a person’s life. In the dasa system we look at grahas at three levels – maha dasa, antar dasa, and pratyantar dasa. Among these, the graha running the maha dasa is the most important. Dasa analysis is done from the individual’s lagna or ascendant. In transits we mainly look at the transits of Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, and Jupiter. Transit analysis is done from the Moon sign.
Mathematical model to combine Dashas and Transits
To create a mathematical model, we can give the following weights to each of these factors. The model indicates that transits’ influence can be 30 – 40%.
- 30% – Maha Dasa Graha
- 20% – Antar Dasa Graha
- 10% – Pratyantar Dasa Graha
- Saturn transit – 10%
- Jupiter transit – 10%
- Rahu/Ketu transit – 10%
- Transit of other Grahas or Transit of the Maha Dasa Graha – 10%
In 2018, people with Kumbha rasi benefited the most from the transits getting the full 30% benefit from Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu/Ketu transits. People with Libra and Cancer rasis benefited the most in 2019. In 2020, people with Leo rasi benefitted the most with a 20% score. 2021 is mixed or average for most signs. Pisces benefits with a score of 20% for 6 months and Leo benefits with a score of 25% for 6 months. If their maha dasa lord and antar dasa lord where also strong, they would have a spectacular 6 months in 2021. 2021 is the year for Pisces (Meena) and Leo (Simha)!
In 2021 Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu do not change signs the whole year. Saturn is in Capricorn, Rahu is in Taurus, and Ketu is in Scorpio. Jupiter is the only graha that changes signs in 2021. It moves into Capricorn in November of 2020. Jupiter then transits to Aquarius in April of 2021 and back into Capricorn in September of 2021. Finally, Jupiter moves back into Aquarius in November of 2021.
Therefore, we can analyze 2021 in two major chunks
- November 2020 to April 2021 and September 2021 to November 2021 (First and End) – Pisces benefits the most in this period
- April 2021 to September 2021 and November 2021 to December 2021 (Middle and End) – Leo benefits the most in this period
Good houses for graha transits
Graha | Good Houses | Neutral Houses | Bad Houses |
Jupiter | 2,5,7,9,11 | 1,4,10 | 3,6,8,12 |
Saturn | 3,6,11 | 5,7,9,10 | 1,2,4,8,12 |
Rahu/Ketu | 3,6,10,11 | 1,4,7 | 2,5,8,9,12 |
2021 Evaluation by sign (first and end)
Rasi | Jupiter Transit | Saturn Transit | Rahu Transit | Ketu Transit | Overall Score |
Aries | Neutral | Neutral | Bad | Bad | -10% |
Taurus | Good | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | +10% |
Gemini | Bad | Bad | Bad | Good | -20% |
Cancer | Good | Neutral | Good | Bad | +10% |
Leo | Bad | Good | Good | Neutral | +5% |
Virgo | Good | Neutral | Bad | Good | +10% |
Libra | Neutral | Bad | Bad | Bad | -20% |
Scorpio | Bad | Good | Neutral | Neutral | 0% |
Sagittarius | Good | Bad | Good | Bad | 0% |
Capricorn | Neutral | Bad | Bad | Good | -10% |
Aquarius | Bad | Bad | Neutral | Good | -15% |
Pisces | Good | Good | Good | Bad | +20% |
2021 Evaluation by sign (middle and end)
Rasi | Jupiter Transit | Saturn Transit | Rahu Transit | Ketu Transit | Overall Score |
Aries | Good | Neutral | Bad | Bad | 0% |
Taurus | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral | 0% |
Gemini | Good | Bad | Bad | Good | 0% |
Cancer | Bad | Neutral | Good | Bad | -10% |
Leo | Good | Good | Good | Neutral | +25% |
Virgo | Bad | Neutral | Bad | Good | -10% |
Libra | Good | Bad | Bad | Bad | -10% |
Scorpio | Neutral | Good | Neutral | Neutral | 10% |
Sagittarius | Bad | Bad | Good | Bad | -20% |
Capricorn | Good | Bad | Bad | Good | 0% |
Aquarius | Neutral | Bad | Neutral | Good | -5% |
Pisces | Bad | Good | Good | Bad | 0% |
Overall score: +10% for Jupiter and Saturn if they are “Good”. -10% for Jupiter and Saturn if they are “Bad”. +5% for Rahu and Ketu if they are “Good”. -5% for Rahu and Ketu if they are “Bad”. 0% for “Neutral”.
2021 is mixed or average for most signs. Pisces (Meena) benefits during the beginning of the year and Leo (Simha) benefits in the middle of the year.
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