Emmanuel Macron Vedic Chart

Emmanuel Macron, the current French President, was born on December 21st 1977, at 10:40 am, in Amiens, France. Below is Emmanuel Macron Vedic chart.

Emmanuel Macron’s vedic chart is very interesting. At first glace we see a weak lagna. The ascendant lord, Saturn, is in the 8th house and Mars, in its sign of debilitation, aspects the ascendant. Further, there are no aspects from benefics on the ascendant or the ascendant lord. This forms a strong Ava yoga. So, how was he so successful?
Multiple Retrograde Grahas
Retrograde is the apparent movement of the graha in the opposite direction. Sun and Moon can never be retrograde and Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. That leaves the five true planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these true planets can be retrograde, however, it is very rare to have many of them retrograde at the same time. In Macron’s chart four of the five are retrograde. Venus is the only one that is not retrograde.
Retrograde gives raw strength to the graha because the graha is closest to the Earth when it is retrograde. In vedic astrology the term “vakri” is used. This means “crooked” or “unusual”. This indicates unusual effects from the retrograde grahas. For example, we look at the 2nd and 7th house for family and marriage. In Macron’s chart, Saturn is lord of the 2nd house and Mars is in the 7th house. Both are retrograde, indicating unusual nature with respect to family and marriage. Macron fell in love with his high school teacher when he was a teenager. She was 24 years his senior. He married her despite objections from his family and contrary to societal norms. The couple don’t have any children. This is very illustrative of a weak lagna and strong retrograde influences.
Vipareeta Raja Yoga
Vipareeta raja yoga forms when the lord of the bad houses (6,8,12) are in another bad house (6,8,12). The yoga gives status, fame, and financial gains. Macron’s chart is a poster child for this yoga. He has all three Vipareeta yogas. The lord of the 6th house, Mercury, is in the 12th house. The lord of the 8th house, Sun, is also in the 12th house. Finally, the lord of the 12th house, Jupiter, is in the 6th house. Therefore, the lord of all the dustana houses are in another dustana house. This shows that Marcon can achieve success through unconventional means.
Parivartana Yoga
Macron’s chart also has two Parivartana yogas. The first forms between Moon and Mars. This is an exchange of 4th and 7th lords, which forms a maha parivartana yoga. Per Phaladeepika, the yoga gives a high position and luxuries. Marcon ran Moon and Mars mahadashas from 1992 to 2009. The second is between Jupiter and Mercury. This is an exchange of the 6th and 12th lords, which forms both a parivartana and a vipareeta raja yoga. This is one of the main causes of Macron’s sudden rise to power, fueled by Rahu in its maha dasha.
Professional Success
At the time of this article, Macron’s political career is pretty short. His political career starts in 2012. He becomes the Minister of Economy and Industry in 2014 and decides to run for office in 2016. He becomes the President in May 2017. This is super-fast rise to the highest office in the land. Sudden success is very often tied to Rahu and yes, Macron is running his Rahu mahadasha from 2009 to 2027.
Rahu and Ketu play the roles of their rasi lord, nakshatra lord, and other grahas conjunt or aspecting them. In Macron’s chart, there is no conjunction or aspect for Rahu or Ketu. Rahu’s rasi lord is Mercury and the nakshatra lord is Ketu. Ketu, in turns, rasi lord is Jupiter, and nakshatra lord is Mercury. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu effectively play the role of Mercury and Jupiter. These planets form virapeeta raja yoga and parivartana yoga. Both are retrograde as well. This illustrates the quick rise to a very powerful position during the Rahu dasha.
He gets the Presidency in his Rahu/Saturn period, which makes sense because Saturn is his lagna lord. The subperiods of the lagna lord are always important periods in ones life.
His D10 chart also shows the importance career has in his life. Saturn is exalted in the ascendant in his D10 chart and the lord of the ascendant, Venus, aspects the D10 lagna.
Macron is running Rahu/Ketu until Feb of 2021. After that he runs Rahu/Venus for three years. February of 2021 could mark the end of Coronavirus in France and a new start. Venus is Macron’s 10th lord and is in his 11th house of gains. This bodes well for Macro’s future. His Rahu and Jupiter periods will be good. That takes him into 2043. Saturn’s mahadasha could be challenging because of its overall weakness, but that is many years away.
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