Pulippani Sloka 67 (living abroad)

Pulippani sloka 67 gives the combinations that makes an individual go abroad and return to their native land.

பாரப்பா ஈராறோன் இருநாள் கோனும்
புகருகின்ற செவ்வையும் மூவரும் சேர்ந்து
கூறப்பா யெவ்விடத்தில் கூடிட்டாலும்
கொற்றவனே பரதேசம் போவான் காளை
சீரேநீ சந்திரனும் கண்ணுற்றாலும்
சிலகாலந் தங்கிருந்து செம்பொன் தேடி
ஆறப்பா அவன் பதியில் வந்துவாழ்வான்
அப்பனே புலிப்பாணி பறைந்திட்டேனே

Translation of Pulippani Sloka 67

If the eighth lord, twelfth lord, and Mars join in any sign, the native will go abroad. If Moon aspect this conjunction, the native will, after earning enough, come back to his/her native place and live comfortably.

Example chart

Max Born

Max Born was a German-British physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics. Born in Germany, Max Born moved to the Scotland before the start of World War II. He won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics for his “fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially in the statistical interpretation of the wave function”.

Max Born
Pulippani sloka 67

In Max Born’s chart, the eighth lord (Venus), twelfth lord (Mercury) and Mars are together in the second house. Max Born did retire and return to his home country. Although Moon is not aspecting this combination, it is very close in degrees to this combination.

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