Pulippani Sloka 151 (foreign country)

Pulippani sloka 151 gives the combination for someone living comfortably in a foreign country.

பாரப்பா இன்னமொன்று பகரக்கேளு
பஞ்சமத்தில் கருநாகமமைந்து
சீரப்பா செங்கதிரோன் பார்த்திட்டாலும்
ஜென்மனவன் பிரதேச வாசஞ் செய்வன்
ஆரப்பா அகம் பொருளும் நிலமும் கிட்டும்
அப்பனே அவன் பிதா லச்சை பண்ணான்
கூறப்பா குமரனுக்கு அறுபத்தஞ்சில்
கூற்றுவனார் நேரியாணர் சாற்றினேனே

Translation of Pulippani Sloka 151

If Rahu is in the fifth house and the Sun aspects the fifth house, the native will live in a foreign country. The native will own a house, lands, and wealth in the foreign country. The native is disrespectful of his father. He/she will live for 65 years.

Example chart

Charles George Gordan was a Major-General in the British army. He spent most of his life in foreign lands fighting battles for the British. Charles is most famously known as the commander of the ever-victorious army in China. He spent time in Crimea, China, Egypt, Sudan, and many other countries. He had a tendency to disrespect authority and rules.

Charles Gordan
Pulippani sloka 151

Charles’ chart has Rahu in the fifth house and Sun aspects the fifth house. The impact of Rahu and Ketu on the Sun can be seen in his disrespect for authority and rules. His first and tenth lord, Jupiter, forms the powerful Hamsa mahapurusha yoga. This gives him name and fame.

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