Presidential Election Winners
With the US Presidential election coming up in 6 months, let us look at the astrological configurations of the presidential election winners in the last few elections.
The classic alignment for fame is the activation of the first and fifth house at the time of the event. The logic for this is simple. The first house represents the individual. When an individual become the President of the US, that event changes who they are for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is natural to expect the activation of the first house. The fifth house is the purva punya house, representing the fruits of the karmas of the previous births. The fifth house is also the house for fame. These two factors makes the activation of the fifth house a logical indication for fame.
For this analysis we consider the first time someone becomes the President because that is the turning point in their life. Here is the list of the past few Presidential election winners.
Joe Biden – 2020

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Jupiter and Mars, respectively. Jupiter is the fifth lord and Mars is the first lord. Jupiter is in its sign of exaltation and Mars gains strength because of its parivartana yoga with Venus.
Donald Trump – 2016

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Rahu and Mars, respectively. Rahu is conjunct Sun, the first lord. Therfore, Rahu activates the first house. Mars is in the first house, thereby activating the first house as well. Rahu also activates Jupiter because Jupiter aspects Rahu. This brings out the fifth house.
Barack Obama – 2008

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Jupiter and Moon, respectively. Jupiter is in the first house with the first lord, Saturn. This activates the first house and the first lord. Moon is in the fifth house, thus activating the fifth house and fifth lord.
This chart and the event satisfy the 1/5 activation pattern that we are looking for. In addition, Jupiter, Saturn, and Moon have primary strengths. Jupiter with dig bala and retrograde strength. Saturn in its own sign and retrograde strength, and Moon in its exaltation sign.
George W Bush – 2000

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Saturn and Mars. Saturn is in the first house and Mars is the fifth lord.
Bill Clinton – 1992

Bill Clinton’s inauguration date was January 20th, 1992. This is right on the cusp of his Jupiter/Saturn and Jupiter/Mercury periods. We can look at both because they both bring out the first and fifth houses.
Jupiter’s rasi lord, Venus, and nakshatra lord, Mars, are both in the first house – thus activating the first house. Saturn is the fifth lord. Therefore, Jupiter and Saturn activate the first and the fifth houses. Mercury is the first lord with Saturn, the fifth lord. Therefore, Mercury in of itself activates the first and fifth houses.
George H W Bush – 1988 – birth time does not have a AA rating

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Mercury and Venus. Mercury’s nakshatra lord is Sun and Mercury is also conjunct the Sun. In both these ways, Mercury activates Sun, the first lord. Venus’ nakshatra lord is Jupiter, the lord of the fifth house. Venus also aspects the fifth house. Therefore, Mercury and Venus activate the first and fifth houses.
Ronald Reagen – 1980 – birth time does not have a AA rating

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Saturn and Mercury. Saturn is in the fifth house and Mercury is in the first house. This also satisfies the requirement.
Jimmy Carter – 1976

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Ketu and Venus. Ketu’s rasi lord is Saturn and nakshatra lord is Mars. Both activate the fifth house – Saturn as the lord of the fifth house and Mars by placement in the fifth house. Venus is the lord of the fist house. Therefore, Ketu and Venus activate the first and fifth houses.
Richard Nixon – 1968

The dasha and bhukti lords at the time of his inauguration are Saturn and Rahu. Rahu’s rasi lord is Jupiter. This activates the fifth house. Saturn’s nakshatra lord is Sun, which activates the first house.
This analysis confirms that the activation of the first and fifth houses correlates well with the chance of winning the Presidency. So, what does this mean for the 2024 election. We can look at Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s charts using this principle.
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