Justice Samuel Alito Vedic Chart
US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was born on April 1st, 1950 at 00:56 am in Trenton, NJ. Below is Justice Samuel Alito Vedic Chart.

Lagna Vichara
Samuel Alito’s ascendant sign is Sagittarius. Individuals with this ascendant aim high, are competitive, intellectuals, and can win over their enemies. They are also lucky, blunt speakers, and have dual careers. These general characteristics hold true for Alito. In terms of dual careers, Alito served in the Army Reserve before switching over to a career in Law.
Jupiter is also yogic. Jupiter forms dhana (wealth) yogas because of the mutual aspect of the 2nd and 11th lords, with involvement of the 1st lord. Jupiter also forms the powerful Gaja Kesari yoga.
Further, Jupiter is in its own sign in the D10 chart. All these provide the necessary conditions for power and wealth.
Yoga Vichara
Apart from the yogas that involve Jupiter, Alito’s chart also has yogas from the combination of grahas in the 4-10 axis. Here the most powerful raja yoga forms with the conjunction of the 9th and 10th lords in the fourth house. In addition, this combination has mutual aspect from the 5th lord. The negative is that Rahu and Ketu are involved in this axis. Therefore, the powerful raja yoga has the malefic influence of Rahu, Ketu, and Mars.
Current Period
In June 2024, Alito runs Saturn dasha and Rahu bhukti. With these two, his whole chart get lit up. All the grahas and therefore all the houses come into play. This period is from Nov 2022 to Sep 2025. The US Supreme Court’s partisan leanings has created a constitutional crisis and Alito, himself, is in the center of a number of scandals. Interestingly, Alito ran this period before. Alito’s Ra/Sa period ran from May 1980 to Mar 1983. 1980 marked the end of Alito’s first career in the Army Reserve. We may see the end of Alito’s second career in the current time frame.
While all the houses are activated, the focus would be the 4th and 9th houses where Rahu and Saturn are placed. 5th house is the house for fame and 10th house, the house for career. The 12th from these houses indicate loss of significations of these houses. Therefore, the 4th house indicates loss of fame and the 9th house indicates loss of career. This period activates all the negative houses – 3, 6, 8, and 12 as well.
Additionally at this time, the transit of Rahu and Ketu are in the same signs that Alito has in his birth chart. Rahu and Ketu transit at 14 degrees 10 minutes on August 23rd, 2024. This could be a key date in Alito’s career.
In conclusion it feels like the current period could be a major setback based on Justice Samuel Alito vedic chart.
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