Kamala Harris as US President?

Kamala Harris as US President?

Now that we have the terrible performance by Biden on the debate stage, there is increased pressure for him to resign and make way for a younger candidate. Does this open up the possibility of Kamala Harris as US President?

We will look at Kamala Harris‘ chart to see if it has the signs that predict fame in the November 2024 timeframe. Below is her chart.

Kamala Harris vedic chart

In the Presidential Election Winners blog, I indicate that the signature for a first-time President is the activation of the first and fifth houses.

Kamala Harris runs Rahu and Venus, dasha and bhuktis, at the time of the election. To be more accurate, she runs Ra/Ve/Mo at the time of the election. The Democratic National Convention is from Aug 19th to Aug 22nd 2024. Kamala runs Ra/Ve/Su from August 4th 2024. This is interesting because Sun indicates leadership and this change happens just before the convention.

Rahu is in the first house. This covers the first requirement – activation of the first house. Rahu’s rasi lord, Mercury, is in the fifth house. This covers the second condition – activation of the fifth house – as well. Venus is the fifth lord, further activating the fifth house. Venus’ rasi lord, Sun, is in the fifth house conjunct the first lord. This shows further confluence of the first and fifth houses/lords. Venus and Sun form a parivartana yoga as well. Therefore, Venus can be treated as the fifth lord in the fifth house, conjunct the first lord. Venus also activates the 9th lord, Saturn, by mutual aspect. This brings the 1st, 5th, and 9th lords into focus during this period. The signature clearly shows a chance for her to become a first-time President.

Kamala Harris ran Ra/Me in 2020, which activates the first and fifth houses/lords as well. She won her first vice-presidency during that time. The period of Ra/Ve is stronger because of more yogas formed by Ve. Finally, Ra/Ve also activate the first and fifth houses in the D9 and D10 charts as well.

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