Tim Walz vedic chart

Tim Walz

Disclaimer: I do not have Tim Walz’ birth time, but will provide some rationale behind the time I am using.

Tim Walz‘s birth date is April 6th, 1964. He was born in West Point, Nebraska. Below is Tim Walz vedic chart assuming an approximate birth time of 6:45 am.

Tim Walz vedic chart

Rationale for choice of time

Personality – Tim Walz has a funny, cheerful, energetic, and robust personality. The funny and cheerful part indicates the importance of Mercury in his chart. His energy points to Mars and his robust personality indicates Jupiter’s influence. These three come into play if his ascendant is Aries, with Jupiter and Mercury in the first house and Mars its lord.

With an Aries ascendant, he currently runs Saturn and Venus dasha and bhukti. The positions of the grahas in the D9 and D10 charts do not change for any degree of the ascendant in Aries. Therefore, Ve is in its sign of exaltation and forms an exchange with Jupiter in his D9 chart. Also, Venus and Saturn are conjoint in his D10 chart. Given that the current period is a highpoint in his career, I pick a time that places the Ve and Sa combination in the tenth house in his D10 chart. I am also picking a time that places Ve (the bhukti lord) in the tenth house in the D9 chart.

With these assumptions, we get a birth time around 6:45 am.

Lagna Analysis

The lagna in Tim Walz vedic chart is strong with two benefics, Jupiter and Mercury, having Dig Bala in this house. The lagnesh, Mars, is in the 12th house, but forms a parivartana with Jupiter. Mars and Sun also form a dharma karmadhipati yoga, making Mars yogic. Overall, lagna is strong.

Current Period

The current period is that of Saturn and Venus. Saturn is the 10th lord of career and the 11th lord of gains. Venus is the 7th lord of partnerships and the 2nd lord of wealth. Saturn and Venus are strong because they are in their own signs. Saturn activates Rahu (nakshatra lord), which in turn activates Mars, the first lord representing the self. Saturn also aspects the first house. Venus activates Sun (nakshatra lord), the fifth lord of fame. Combining all of these we get – the Saturn and Venus period brings fame to the native in the area of his career via partnerships. This fame also brings gains and wealth.


Given the above mentioned factors, it appears that Tim Walz vedic chart predicts that he has a strong chance of becoming the next Vice President of USA in the upcoming election.

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