JD Vance Vedic Chart

JD Vance

Below is the vedic chart of JD Vance, born on August 2nd, 1984 at 8:11 am in Middletown, Ohio.

JD Vance Vedic Chart

Lagna Vichara

Examining the first lord in JD Vance vedic chart, we see that the first lord, Sun, is in the 12th house with an aspect from a strong malefic, Saturn. This forms “Ava” yoga, which is not favorable for the native. The first house, however, has a benefic, Mercury with Dig bala, and an aspect from another strong benefic, Jupiter. Therefore, the lagna analysis produces a mixed bag. The lagnesh, Sun, is not strong, but Jupiter’s aspect reduces the malefic effect. We can conclude that JD Vance will do well whenever Jupiter is activated.

Yoga Vichara

JD Vance has Hamsa yoga when viewed from the Moon. Saturn and Mars form a dharma karmadhipati yoga. Saturn is in its sign of exaltation, Jupiter is in its own sign, and Mercury has dig bala. Therefore, these three grahas have primary strength.

Early years – Mars and Rahu periods

JD runs Mars for the first six years of his life. Mars activates the three trik lords (6th, 8th, and 12th) and is conjunct a strong malefic, Saturn. Mars and Saturn conjunction is not considered very auspicious. The two planets have opposing traits. Mars wants to move fast, while Saturn is slow by nature.

JD then runs Rahu for the next 18 years. through 2008. Rahu’s rasi and nakshatra lords are both in the 12th house. This creates losses, isolation, and travel to foreign lands, among other things. During this period JD completes high school, enlists in the US Marine Corps, and finishes his first year in Ohio State University.

Successful period

In 2008 JD starts his Jupiter maha dasha. Jupiter is probably the best planet in JD’s chart. All his success so far have come in the Jupiter period. He completes his bachelors from Ohio State, joins the prestigious Yale law school, marries his wife, has 3 kids, writes a best seller, is successful professionally, and becomes a Senator. His chart shows what a single powerful graha can do.

Specifically, he marries in 2014, Jupiter/Mercury period, which activate the 2nd house (Me is the 2nd lord) of family, 7th house (Sa, 7th lord aspects Ju) of marriage, and 11th house (Me is the 11th lord) of society.

His book is the best seller in 2016 – 2017, Jupiter/Venus, which activate the fame factors – 1st (Venus is conjunct the first lord) and 5th (Jupiter is the 5th lord in the 5th house). Venus is also the lord of the 3rd house of writing.

Finally, he wins the senate race in 2022, Jupiter/Rahu. Jupiter is the 5th lord in the 5th house activating the house of fame and Rahu’s nakshatra lord is Su, the 1st lord.

Current Period and the 2024 election

JD’s Jupiter period ended in Apr 2024. He runs Saturn for the next 19 years. Saturn is in its sign of exaltation, which gives strength. However, this does not tell whether the strength is for good of bad. A strong Saturn is not viewed positively for Cancer and Leo ascendants because it activates the 7th (marriage) and 6th or 8th houses (problems). Saturn is also conjunct Mars, as previously mentioned, creating an internal conflict of opposing traits. Saturn’s rasi lord is also in the 12th house. All these factors point to an up and down period with more losses and conflicts. Could be a rocky road for his marriage as well.

The 2024 election is during his Saturn/Saturn period. This does not activate the 1st of the 5th lords. Therefore, I don’t believe he will win the election.

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